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Dan's POV:

"Should I leave now? I think I should go now. Should I? I should." I said, grabbing my jacket and setting it down, and picking it up again. I was pacing nervously. "Dan, She only took off a couple of hours ago, she won't be landing for another 3, and the airport is only an hour away. Just sit down and stay calm for a while." Phil said, trying to calm my nerves. It was no use though, I was just to nervous. Or excited. Or...both. Anna would soon be a lot closer to me than my computer screen could ever, and part of me was happy about that. The other part, was terrified. What if I can't control myself, and tell her how I feel? I know that she probably only sees me as a friend, and that killed me.

I sat down on the couch, as recommended by Phil, but I still just played with my hands, glancing over at the clock almost every minute. I wanted to see her, bad. But I had to compose myself at the airport to keep myself from going all "Surprise Homecoming" and picking her up in my arms, spinning her around. And kissing her. 

That was the hardest. I am hoping that controlling my emotions in person won't be any harder than doing it over a computer, but I knew that I was lying to myself. 

I pulled my laptop onto my lap and went onto Tumblr.

*time warp*

I glanced at the clock on the microwave, and then throwing the laptop off my lap.

"PHIL PHIL! ITS TIME!!!" I said running for my jacket and shoes.

"Dan, you are perfectly on time. You still have an hour to get there, shes probably not even that close to the airport yet. Calm down and don't drive like an idiot. Its not our car, remember?" Phil said, slowly handing me the keys.

He's right. Last thing I needed was to crash Carrie's car. I got into the drivers seat, and just took a deep breath before turning the ignition switch. It had been a while since I had driven a car, but I have always been a pretty good driver.

*time warp*

I hear the 'beep beep' of the car when I lock it, walking towards the lift that would take me to the gate that Anna would soon be appearing from. My palms were sweaty, and I felt light headed. I realized I had a good 20 minutes till her flight was due, so I grabbed a latte from Starbucks and found a seat in the waiting area.

Low and behold, only a couple of minutes after the set arrival time, people started flowing out of the gate door. I jumped up, and just awkwardly put my hands into my pockets. It was towards the end of the mob of people when she came out. Her medium length, shiny flowing hair sitting perfectly, her old backpack strung on her shoulders. She came out, and looked around for a minute till our eyes met. We both began walking towards each other, when I picked up my pace. And so did she. 'Dan, I said DON'T pull a "Surprise homecoming" '. But I just ignored my mind and we both were now almost running towards each other. She practically jumped into my arms, and I lifted her up and spun her around, just like in the stupid movies. 'Way to go, Dan.' I said to myself as we awkwardly broke apart, both of us trying to figure out what just happened.


Whut up buttercup? Long time, no write, eh?

Sorry, things have been a whirl wind lately. Not that anybody really reads this, but Im sorry if I left anybody hanging. If you care. Whatever.

Seriously doe, things are getting good! I have a lot of things in store, so stick around!

Remember to Vote. Read, Comment, Share, Save, Eat a Unicorn, Fly A Spaceship, all that good stuff.

"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."


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