How drunk are you?

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Anna's POV:

"Ehh....I've gotten an ideahh.....lets play Heaven minutes of seven!" Chris slurs out. We all bust out laughing. "You mean seven minutes of heaven?" Pj yells out. "Uhahh whateva, I just need to start makin out with someone soon, drunk me gets pretty horny after a couple of shots of rum." Chris replied, finishing off his 5th beer.

I have to say, we were all pretty far gone now. It was just supposed to be a little gathering for Phil's birthday. It was Dan, Phil, Stephanie (Phil's girlfriend), Chris, PJ, some guy named Matt, A girl named Lisa, Carrie, an obviously gay guy named Robert, and some perky blonde whose name I can't place. I don't drink much, but I almost have to hold on to the walls by now. Even Phil is drinking. He seemed a little solemn at the beginning of the party, but he sure has loosened up now.

Before I even knew it, there was a bunch of handkerchiefs and a bottle in front of us, and we were all taking a seat in a circle. "Okay Ohkayyy!" said Robert, in his absurdly tight leather pants I might add. "Gay guy mediates to make things less awkward. Although some of you might not be that opposed to getting all of this..." He said motioning at his face. We all cracked up laughing. "So here's how it works, everyone puts there blindfolds on. I spin the bottle once. I will help whoever it is into the closet. I spin again, and repeat. Once said couple is in the unlit closet, all of us outside take off our blindfolds and giggle like school children about who is in there. When the door is closed, you two can take off your blindfolds and get it ON. Get into it, and NO TALKING. After 7 minutes the lights will come on and you will come out. Understood?" we all nod and laugh at his rule set. "Don't laugh, I practically invented this game! Blindfolds on!"

I heard the bottle spin, someone get up, bottle again, another departure, and a door closing. We all removed our blind folds and looked around. I saw the blonde was gone, as well Chris. When I saw Dan was still here, I was kinda relieved. Thinking about him with the blonde with big boobs just kinda upset me for reasons I don't want to think about. After about 7 minutes, Chris comes walking out first, the blonde following behind, fixing her smeared lipstick. "We I must say, drunk me is QUITE satisfied!" Chris said, fixing his disheveled hair. We all laughed and took a few more sips before putting our blind folds on. I heard the bottle spin, but I didn't hear anyone get up. All of a sudden I felt an arm on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand (Robert's, obviously) and was led into the small space. I felt nervous for a second, but then I thought about it. 'Ya know what? Its a game, and i'm drunk as a skunk. Just kiss like you have never done before, now is a good excuse, no matter who shows up.' I said to myself.

I soon felt another presence, and the door close. I removed the blindfold, but the room was so dark that it felt like it was still on. We both smelled of alchohol, so I couldn't really tell who it was that way. I heard a bust of giggles outside the door. Robert was right, we did laugh like schoolgirls. I flashed my attention back to the stranger in the dark. 'Go for it.' I thought to myself. I slinked my hands around his hips and pulled him towards me. Our lips smashed together without second though. The kiss was slow and timid at first, but with a swipe of his tongue across my lower lip, we were soon in a sloppy make out session. My hands ran through his hair, his around my waist. We broke for a second, and I felt the need to take dominance. This was really passionate, and after all the feelings I have been holding in around Dan, I needed this release. I pinned him against the wall. I ran my hot breath against his cold cheek before he almost urgently moved his lips to mine. We worked perfectly in sync. Our tongues practically battled, and I felt my heart beat increase as his hands were now in the small of my back, under my shirt.

Honestly, I had no idea where I was or where this was going when the lights turned on and the door opened. I stepped back and opened my eyes. When my eyesight adjusted, my hand immediately went over my mouth.

It was Dan.

Dans POV:

It was cold and dark in the room, but the air between us was hot and passionate. We had been going at if for a while now, I knew it would end soon. My hands were on the small of her back, and I wanted to dig my nails into something. This person was an amazing kisser. I had been craving this for weeks now, but not really this way, with a stranger. But oh, it felt good. Thank god I was wearing tight pants, or leaving this closet could be really embarrassing. I soon felt the light flicker on and me and the girl separated. I opened my eyes first and almost screamed.

It was Anna.

Almost seconds after I did, she opened her eyes to see me too, with almost the exact same reaction on her face. Everyone was now whooping and whistling. She rushed out and took a seat on the couch, I followed behind, completely in a drunken/bewildered stupor. I sat back down on the floor. Anna jumped up and excused herself to the bathroom.

God, now I had done it. This game was a mistake, for all I know she was expecting Matt or PJ, but not me. There goes our friendship.

But wait. Maybe not. I followed behind her, and knocked on the door. I heard a sniffle. "Who is it?" She said. "Its Dan, I think we need to talk." I said. It was a few seconds before she opened the door, eyes bloodshot. "Yeah I think so too." She said, door now open.

We sat in an awkward silence for a second.

"I-" "I-" we both said, interrupting each other. "Sorry, you go." I said, almost fighting stupid tears. "We're really drunk, and its a stupid game right? That was just for fun. It could have been anyone. I'm sorry." she said, wiping her eyes. "Oh yeah..totally! God it could have been anybody, it still would have meant nothing. Glad we're on the same page" I said, finally exhaling. "Ok....umm....can you maybe send everyone home? I...I just..." she turned around quickly and vomited into the can (toilet). I walked over and rubbed her back. "Of course! It looks like you might have exceeded your limit. Ill show everyone out."

Soon everyone cleared and I walked her back to her bed in the guest room. "Here" I said handing her a glass of water. "And a bucket just in case." i added, pulling the waste bin over to the bedside. "Thank you Dan, you are such a great best friend." she slurred as she snuggled into the bed, make up smeared on her face. Best friend. That hurt. I guess she really did want to forget about tonight.

"Good night Anna."

"Good night Dan."



Its gettin hot in here, so take off.... oh wait.

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"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."


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