Genesis X Reader - Pantsu

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A/N: Wednesday's update! I'll have to do something about Friday's since I'll be out of town. Something fun and perverted.

            Turning the shower handle off, you exited the shower, grabbing a towel to dry, yourself off. After fixing up your hair and generally freshening up, you sorted through your clothes into the bathroom so you could change right after you finished showering. It was a habit.

Let's see...Bra? Check. Undershirt? Check. Oversized and comfy sweater that actually belonged to Genesis? Check. Panties?


Where were your panties? You knew that you had brought them into the bathroom. Dang, those were the comfy ones, too. Whatever, the sweater went down to your lower thighs, anyway, so you could just run and get another pair semi-naked. Genesis wouldn't mind in the slightest. Upon opening the bathroom door, you were confronted by a very smug and satisfied Genesis. He was twirling the supposedly lost pair of panties around his index finger.

"Looking for these?" He crooned suggestively.

"Genesis Rhapsodos! You son of a bitch! Give me back my panties!" You yelled at him.

Genesis wasn't a bad or abusive boyfriend, he was far from it. In fact, he was amazing. He could just be a perverted tease sometimes. His little games could be fun to play sometimes. He was beyond arrogant and agitating, but you loved him to bits.

A chase ensued in the apartment. You were about to question how he managed to sneak into the bathroom while you were showering, but you quickly remembered his SOLDIER training.

"You and your SOLDIER training can go straight to hell!" You puffed, chasing him around the kitchen and dining room. Eventually, the epic spectacle went from bounding around the couch and television to the bedroom. Gaining the burst of speed you needed, you finally managed to tackle him to the bed. Though, he probably slowed down intentionally. You snatched your panties out of his hands. You quickly dashed back into the bathroom and locked the door behind you.

"Bastard." You muttered under your breath, slipping on your panties and sweatpants. You opened the door, and were met by a kiss. You froze out of instinct, but soon melted into the affection gesture, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You're lucky I love you." You grumbled at him begrudgingly.

"I'm well aware." Genesis scooped you up into his arms, bringing you into the bedroom for a long cuddle session.

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