Sephiroth X Reader - Confessions

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A/N: This was suggested to me by Sky! I had some fun writing this.

 "Valentines is approaching."

You were torn from your thoughts, and the small flower you had been turning over in your hands to look up and see the familiar red leather-clad commander in front of you.

"Hello, Genesis." He took a seat next to you, taking a shining to the little, purple flower in your hands.

"I found this little crocus on a mission today. It has bloomed very early. We don't get snow here in Midgar, so that might explain why it popped up. I'm surprised that it managed to grow here. Did it remind you of the upcoming holiday?"

"It did. I've been watching the stores slowly fill up with roses and chocolates over the weeks. Everyone seems to be preparing to either confess their feelings, or simply getting gifts for their loved one. Speaking of which..." You perked up as commander as he trailed off, "Will you gather up the courage to confess to him?"

"Who-what are you talking about?" You stammered, fumbling with your hands. It was obvious that with that hot blush spreading across your cheeks that you were hiding something.

"You have a very obvious crush on Sephiroth, _____. I believe that it would be a good decision for you to confess your feelings."

"No-no. He's too busy with SOLDIER. And besides, I'd make a fool of myself to him. He wouldn't care for my silly crush."

"You'd be surprised. I think that the outcome will be different then what you expect." Genesis plucked the crocus out of your hand, "Though, I do worry about your shyness. I feel that it may give you trouble in the future." Brushing aside a few strands of your hair, he tenderly worked the flower into your hair, tucking it behind your ear. You blushed profusely, turning you face away from his. Smirking, Genesis got up and walked away, leaving you flustered and dumbfounded.

Unbeknownst to both of you, someone was watching.


"Genesis." The Commander spun around to see Sephiroth approaching him.

"Do you need something, General?"

"I saw you talking with _____."

"And you point is?" The Commander smirked coyly.

"I'm fairly convinced that you were flirting with her."

"Why are you concerned? You aren't in a relationship with her. Unless, of course, you're jealous." Sephiroth averted his gaze, a subtle blush painted his cheeks.

"Valentines is rapidly approaching. Why not buy a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers for our lovely _____ to show your affections?"

"Are you aware of how cheesy that sounds, Commander?"

"You never know, she just might love it. She is available. If you don't act, I just might pursue her." Giving Sephiroth the nudge he needed, Genesis winked at the General, feeling satisfied with his matchmaking job.

*Two weeks later, Valentines Day*

"You can do this, _____. Don't be afraid." Angeal gave you a soft pat on the back, reassuring you.

"I'm just worried that he'll reject me." Your expression grew a little downcast.

"You'll be fine."


"I feel ridiculous." The General admitted, a small bouquet of a dozen red roses tucked into his arms.

"I'm sure that _____ will accept it. You might just knock the wind out of there." Genesis stood back to inspect Sephiroth, making sure everything was in order, "She should be in the corridor around this time." Giving his a physical nudge, Genesis forced Sephiroth out into the open, and into the line of sight of _____.


The crinkle of the cellophane around the flowers caused you to look in the direction of the General. He walked towards you briskly, quickly closing the distance between the two of you.

"These are for you." He handed you the bouquet, and you timid hands accepted the gift. You skimmed your fingers over the plastic, the sweet scent of the flower filling your nostrils. You kept you face down, trying to hide your obvious blush. He hooked his index finger under your chin and tilted your head up so you could into his aqua eyes. The two of you stared deeply into each other's eyes. Your heart lept into your throat, causing any words you tried to formulate die in your throat. Why did saying three little words have to be so difficult? Your mouth opened, but no sound left your throat.

In fact, that only sound you made was a loud squeak when Sephiroth grabbed the back of your head and drew you into a kiss, saying the words for you.


From a distance, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack all watched patiently, expectantly. And, when it finally happened, a round of high-fives were in order.

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