Genesis X Reader - May I Have This Dance?

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A/N: I forgot who requested this, but I'd like for you to notify me so I can dedicate this chapter to you! This is an early post for personal reasons.

            "May I have this dance, M'lady?"

You looked up from your seat near the punch bowl, the area you had previously been occupying to come face to face with the most handsome man you had seen in your life. Well, most of his face was obscured by a mask, given it was a masquerade ball. All you could see were his eyes and hair. His hair was a delectable shade of auburn, and his eyes were sparkling a brilliant shade of blue.

"W-with me?" Your voice was a high-pitched squeak. Having been ditched by your date, you had intended to lay low until the ball ended. You had failed, apparently.

"It's a shame for such a lovely lady like you to be sitting all alone. I'd hate for you to be like this the whole ball." He extended his hand in a gentlemanly fashion, silently asking you to dance with him. More than embarrassed and feeling a little flattered, you timidly stood up and took his hand. He gave you a soft smile before leading you out onto the dance floor.

Everyone seemed to move away and the world stood still as he took you to the middle of the dance floor. You barely had any experience dancing, and he seemed to impart his skills to you as you found yourself moving in sync with him. Every moment with him seemed like it was made of pure magic.

He soon sensed you were growing tired, and he led you to a quieter area of the ballroom. You felt flattered that a total stranger had danced with you out of the charity of his heart.

"I wish to see your face." You breathed quietly.

"That would be breaking the rules, my dear." He chuckled airily.

"I don't care."

"A bit of a rebellious one, are we?" The corners of his lips curled upwards into a subtle smile, and he led you out onto the balcony. The cool, summer, night breeze made you shiver. He closed the already short distance between your bodies, allowing you to feel the body heat that was radiating from his suit, "Ladies first."

You shyly removed your mask, which was modeled after a cat. Feeling exposed, a faint blush streaked across your cheeks. He then removed his, a mixture of a fox and a peacock. Your heart lept up into your throat, he looked even better under the mask. He suddenly cupped your cheek, causing your eyes to lock with his sparkling, blue ones. Before you knew it, your lips had connected with his.

You moaned softly, leaning into his touch. The kiss was mind blowing, yet sweet and gentle. His other hand went and rested at the small of your back.

He broke off of the kiss and was gone in the blink of an eye. You felt disappointed that you had lost him, but you figured that was just life.

You arrived home after the ball, and after rummaging through your small purse you had brought to the ball, you found a small strip of paper with his name and number on it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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