Naga!Genesis X Reader - Family Nap

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A/N: Just some dumb and fluffy interlude, like always. FYI the pups can have any names :/ Those ones I just chose because I like them. Yes, I'm going to be adding my Nagaverse stuff to this collection as well.

 Genesis had his long, serpentine tail curled protectively around his human mate, _____. The naga was incredibly protective of this mate and pups. Curled up in his arms was the youngest of the triplets, Dimitri. He had a crown of his mother's hair, and his father's blue eyes. The two pups in their mother's arms were identical twins, Koda and Aden. Both were mirror images of their father, auburn hair and blue eyes. The only way to tell them apart was the small birthmark on Aden's shoulder. All of the pups had their father's tail pattern. The family was sleeping together, cuddled up in the nest.

Well, everyone except Koda.

Being the oldest, he seemed to have the greatest sense of adventure. Having never left the security if the den, he was curious as to what was out there in the big world. He wiggled out of this mother's grip, finally poping out. He began to push himself up over the small mountain of his mother's waist. It took him a couple of tries, but he finally managed to get on top of his mother's waist. He would still had to work his way over his father's coils, but those would be much easier to make his way over.

Suddenly, something slipped under the pup's middle and lifted him up into the air. His father's tail was gingerly curled around him. He was set gently back down into his mother's arms. Who, operating on sleepy instinct, hugged her son protectively. The young pup would be unable to escape his mother's embrace. He pouted a pout that only a young naga could produce.

Dad was always spoiling his fun.

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