ch. 7

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It was now the moment we were all dreading . . .

It's our first day of School. On Earth.

Don't get the wrong idea here, we each have a good education, well, goodish . . . But you must understand that we all live on a Planet made entirely of powerful dreams. And the only schools there are either run by twelve year olds or tie-wearing monkeys. The things kids dream up these days . . .

Anyway, we all knew this was coming. But luckily we already bought enough school supplies and cute outfits, so hopefully we wont be our usual unorganized selves.

By six we were all awake and got a quick breakfast and shower before we got in our fabulous cars and drove to school. The new "teacher" that Mr. L. assigned to watch over Little Lava came by before we left to take her to school. And to make the rest of us less stressed Ghosty agreed to watch over her in class. Luckily the only humans that are able to see her are SPA agents and some psychics.

As we made our way to school we all kept discussing who this "special agent" that L. assigned to watch us was. But we all agreed that we hope that he or she wouldn't be a total bitch, even though we all have our little bitchy moments.

By the time we got there we saw about thirty cars in the parking lot, most of them probably belonging to the teachers. Guess we were kinda early. We parked our cars and made our way to the building when we spotted a girl with shoulder length brown hair waving widely at us.

"About time you guys got here. Turns out this place is even more boring when there's barley anyone here," she said walking over to us.

We were still a little confused about who this chick was. Noticing our confused looks, she let out a loud annoying sigh as she slapped her forehead with her hand.

"I'm the special agent that L. assigned to watch over you guys. Duh. I'm Rachel."

She didn't look like the SPA agents we saw, most of them had lab coats and were in their thirties. She looked like a normal sixteen year old girl.

Rosie looked at her up and down, "Are you sure you can handle us? Cuz most people usually go insane after spending time with a few of us . . . " she said as she raised her hand up and pointing to Bird Girl.

Narrowing her eyes in annoyance B.G. raised her arm and rested it on Rosie's' head, with her hand hanging in front of her face.

"What she meant to say was how do you plan to keep us under control when your, a . . ."

"Human," said Sharky, crossing her arms. If we were going to let someone watch over us, we needed to make sure they can handle people like, us.

She looked around the area of the school, "Follow me," heading toward the side of the school. Luckily this side completely blocked out the sun, so no should be able to see us. She brought us over to the dark brick wall and double checked the area. No one else around but us.

Rachel began rolling her shoulders and out popped dark black wings with the ends turning a hot pink. She extended them so we could view each wing.

"What are you?" Vampy asked.

"I'm a death angel," She said, pulling out a bracelet and put in on, making her wings disappear. Mr. L. must have also installed one of his special cloaking chips in it.

Dragon Girl gave her a proud smile, "Glad it's a fellow wing creature watching over us instead of some human scientist."

She's right, Rachel will be able to detect if we are getting too close to revealing ourselves much faster than any human agent. She knows the signs of a supernatural and is more likely to survive if she ever needs to remove us from a location and we bring out the claws and fangs.

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