ch. 6

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Its been a few days since our last visit from L. and we were starting to enjoy our vacation time. Every time we try to go on vacation on Planet Drool some of us end up being kidnapped or we have to diffuse a frickin' bomb. Yeah, a lot of crazy shit happens to us. But we don't have to worry about protecting the planet anymore, we have someone covering for us until we get back home.

Rocky had "borrowed" some equipment from L.'s secret lab and installed it into her laptop, (which she bought at the mall), and has been trying to communicate with our friends back home.

She has been going all mad-scientist on it for the past three days.

As long as we leave her alone, she promises not to 'pound us so hard that we reach China'.

The rest of us were outside, Lava Girl and L.L. tossing a Frisbee, Sharky and Wolf Girl working on their tans and Rosie was under a big umbrella, moving her plants all around the property. While the rest of us were enjoying the pool. Until . . .

"GUYS!!! I GOT IT, I FRICKING GOT IT!!" Rocky yelled from inside the house.

We all ran inside, most of us soaking wet, and saw Rocky doing a victory dance in the living room.

"I think she's having another spaz attack," mumbled Cheetah Girl.  

"Just shut up and come here. I finally got us connect to Planet Drool," she said with a big toothy grin.

"You actually got it working? Dammit! Thanks a lot Rocky, you just cost me twenty bucks," said Arfie as she pulled a twenty out of her pocket and handed to Rosie.

Rosie smiled as she took her money, "Pleasure doing business with you."

Bird Girl frowned at her, "Rosie, it's not nice to place bets on your friends."

"Shouldn't you be flying south or something?" Rosie replied while sticking out her tongue at her.

"Shut up and listen or I will mail you both to the nearest insane asylum," Rocky warned them. "Anyway, lets contact Planet Drool now and see if we can get help. I hooked my laptop to the TV so we can chat on a bigger screen."

Rocky clicked on the link and the TV turned on, and Dragon Girl's older brother Dragon Boy was now on the screen.

"Hey guys, is everyone ok?" he asked.

D.G. gave him a little wave, "Hey bro."

"Hey sis. So anyway, when did L. say your ship should fixed by?"

"Not for at least ten months. And we have no other source of transportation here," said Rocky.

"Well that sucks. So who's gonna watch over Planet Drool while you guys are gone?"

Little Lava stood in front of the screen, "You guys will have to keep everything in balance until we return. Luckily J.F.Jr. is also on Earth, so you shouldn't have any major problems." 

He thought for a minute before he answered us, "Ok, I think I can round up everyone and organize a few patrols. I'll head over to H.Q. and gather up the border lines."

"Ok, call back if you run into any problems," said Rocky.

"Hey, you guys better do the same. If anything bad ever happened to you guys . . . there would be no more Planet Drool. Or Earth. But until you get back, enjoy your time off. We'll be ok."

The screen went blank as he signed off.

"Well, now that we now our home is safe, lets bring out the tiki torches and have a frickin' luau!" yelled Shark Boy as he ran toward the shed full of tiki torches.

As we all made our way outside, at least ten tiki torches stood around a stone fire pit.

Lava girl began lighting the torches while L.L. lit the wood in the fire pit.

We all huddled around, carrying blankets and bowls of popcorn.

We all began telling funny stories and even a scary Ghost story from Sash. Which scared the shit out of us so much that we ran inside screaming (except Cheetah Girl) and decided to watch  movies instead.

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