ch. 5

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By nine, everyone was awake. Rosie offered to make us pancakes, while the rest of us were either watching TV or taking showers, (we had three bathroom, all with showers).

After breakfast we figured out who was coming to the mall so we knew which car to take.

The boys decided to stay and play video games, (they'll go another day).

Little Lava instead asked to go to the playground so she could observe other eight years. And since Ghost Girl can't wear solid clothes anymore, she went with L.L. to keep an eye on her. And with that the rest of us girls went shopping.

We decided to take to separate cars, so Bird Girl drove the Jeep and Rosie drove the Dodge.

                                                       * * *

"What do you guys think about this?" asked Vampy holding up a black t-shit that said 'Come At Me Bro!' in white.

We had been at the mall for the last two hours and had now ventured into another store.

"I think it fits your bloody mind just right," said Arfie with a teasing smirk.

Vampy smiled, "Good! Now everyone will witness my awesomeness!"

"If that ever happens, push me off the nearest bridge," Dragon Girl whispered loudly to Cheetah Girl.

"Hey!" yelled Vampy, lifting up the t-shirt, "Come at me bro!" each word she said she pointed to on the t-shirt.

"Guys, quiet down. People are staring," Rocky warned us.

"Oh please, everyone has been starring since we step foot in this place. We're not from this planet remember," said Sharky.

That was one flaw that Mr. L. and his toys couldn't fix.  Because we're from Planet Drool, our appearance is very mystical and beautiful to the people of Earth. We carry our own uniqueness that can only be found in the most powerful dreams.

"Just ignore them and don't mention anything about where we're from," said Bird Girl.

Rosie looked at B.G., a puzzling expression crossing her face, "Where are we from? I mean, what if one of our teachers asks us? What should we say?"

"She has a good point," said Arfie, "And how are we gonna explain why we are all living in one mansion when none of us are related. Also how most of us are dating each other."

"Ok, when we get back we're calling L. But for now if anybody asks just say your visiting for the summer," said Rocky.

"Ok," we all said.

And from there we went to six more stores, each of us with at least fifteen bags.

By the time we got back from the mall, the guys were playing video games on the flat screen and Little Lava and Ghosty were reading in the kitchen. We called L. on as we left the mall and he said he should be there in an hour. As we walked in we set or back in the kitchen.

L.L. looked at over at us, "So, how was it?"

Bird Girl looked down toward the ground, "Creepy . . ."

The guys paused their game and looked at us with confused looks.

"Why was it creepy?" asked Flamo.

"Cuz everyone kept staring at us," said Rosie, her face growing slightly red.

Angry frowns covered their faces.

"No, not like that," explained  Rocky, "They're just not used to people like us. They were just curious."

They all looked toward each other, "Well then we're just gonna have to teach them not to look at our girlfriends anymore," said Boulder Boy.

Arfie smirked at them, "Ya, the next time a bee gives me 'the look' you'll be the first to know."

Shark Boy stated flexing his muscles, "I'll show that bee who's king of the ocean when he see's these babies."

All of us started giggling, except Lava Girl who just rolled her eyes as her face began to turn pink.

A  loud knocking came from the front door. 

Vampy went to answer it.

"Wait!" Rocky whispered loudly, "Check to see who it is before you let a possible stranger in."

"I'll take a look," said Ghost Girl.

She floated over to the door and poked her head through.

When her head returned she said, "It's L."

Vampy opened the and there was Mr. L.  

"Hello everyone. I understand you have some questions for me."

                                          * * *

So we asked our questions about where we would say we were from and why we were here in this mansion.

"I apologize for not giving you this information sooner, I knew I forgot to mention something back on that helicopter."

"So where are we from?" asked Rosie.

"What I believe would be the best explanation for your situation is to say that  you are all foreign-exchange students from Canada and are here to attend American school."

Shaky narrowed her eyes, "But none of us are Canadian and we've had a few . . . issues with Canada in the past."

L. looked at her, "What kind of issues?"

"Sorry, but we were told by the Canadian Government never to speak of it on Non-Canadian soil."

We all nodded our heads in agreement.

Rolling his eyes, "Ok, then how about your a group of foster kids from Iowa and your foster parent, who will be me, had you all move here because of a job promotion?" 

We all looked at each other and nodded our heads in agreement.

Looking back at L. Sharky said, "Yeah we can do that."

"Good. Now I also forgot to mention that most of you will need to be called by fake names. We can't have attendance calling out names like Boulder Boy, Shark Girl and Cheetah Girl in class."

"Ok, anything else you forgot to mention?" asked Dragon Girl.

"Well, you should all get you class schedules in a few weeks and the agent who will be attending school with you will meet you in front of the school. And that's all the information I have so far."

"Wait," said Lava Girl, "Has your team gotten to work on our ship yet?" 

"No, we are still waiting on some parts from Asia to arrive and that rain storm has made it impossible to recover any data from you computers."

All of us frowned at that, hoping to return home quickly.

"But don't worry, let my scientist work and you all relax and enjoy you month of vacation. School starts in only a few weeks."

We all grumbled as he left.

The guys returned to their video game and L.L. went up to bed.

Rosie went over to one of the cabinets, "Guys, I have an idea."

"This can't be good," B.G. mumbled.

She pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and a box of Hershey bars.

"Lets all just get drunk on some chocolate! We have had a long day and I would love to forget about most of it after a good chocolate hangover."

 "Is it even physically possible to get drunk on chocolate?" asked Arfie.

"Yes," they all said.

She shrugged her shoulders and stuck out her hand, "Then hand me a bar."

We each got a few Hershey Bars and a full glass of chocolate syrup and just talked about random things.

After an hour, we all stumble up to bed.

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