Chapter Nine

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What does he want? I don't want you Zac! I want to scream, but I don't have the courage to.

"Hey.." He says softly, his voice echoes in my head.

"Hi" I say a little harsher than I mean. "So.." I hear him licking his lips.

"What do you want Zac?"

"I miss you" Oh...

What do I say to that? "That's cool" I say nodding my head.

"Come on Lyric. Don't you miss my hands all over you.." My eyes widen, don't do this to me "my lips.." his voice trails off- it's so alluring. What is he doing? "stop."

"What do I have to do Lyric?"

"I don't know what you mean, you haven't said anything"

He sighs harshly "Lyric... when I saw you the other night, all my feelings just came flooding back. It's unbearable, I have to have you baby" I roll my eyes.

This is not happening. "I want to be with Jaden.. I'm with him." Yeah, maybe telling him I'm with someone we'll back him away.

"The drunk?" he asks surprised "he's not a drunk!" Feisty "he was just having fun.." Without me. "You were naked- with him"
I knew this was going to come up.

I know exactly what he's getting at.

"When you wanted to have sex I wasn't ready." But you didn't even have sex with Jaden.

"And I respected that" he says it like he's earned a prize.

I sigh exasperated "why are you saying it like he pushed me to do something?"

"Did he?" Zac asks, "no! okay Zac you're insane, it was nice talking to y-" The way he says my name actually stops me from ending the call, my insides are tingiling; I'm caught. "Don't hang up" he sighs, his deep breaths in my ear turning me on by the second.

"You want to go for a ride, or walk somewhere?" How can he just- "okay" I whisper.

Yes! No. What will Jaden think? He won't know I can't, this will hurt him. I don't want to hurt him; but he doesn't even know about Zac. Jaden doesn't know who came inside of the room, he doesn't know about me and Zac- he didn't even hear our conversation outside of his car.

"Great!" the excitement is evident in his voice, it makes me smile. "I'll pick you up at your place?"

"No! Um... I'm at a friends house, we can meet at the park?"

"Yeah, sure."

I close the door slowly, trying not to make a loud noise. I look both ways as I walk across the street and pull the strings on my hoodie tightening it around my face. It's chilly out tonight.

This is so scary I've never walked anywhere alone at night. Every sound has me turning left to right, then behind me; the street lights aren't enough to make me feel safe. It's still so dark. I should've told him to pick me up.

I sit down on one of the swings and kick my feet, he should've gotten here before me. He has a car.

"you came" I turn and see Zac standing a few feet behind me, why is he always so surprised? "yeah" I stand up and he walks toward me. Hm.. facial hair suits him- he looks so yummy, I can just eat him all up.

"Hi.." I kick the dirt, looking down at my feet. Why am I all of a sudden so shy, and I was so mean to him last night.

He walks around and sits on the swing next to me, I sit back down and I feel him staring at me. Stop being so nervous I look over at him and he grins looking away.
What? wow.. This is so cute, is he blushing?

"So how's college?" I can no longer bare the silence.

He nods continuously, "it's alright"
"a lot of pretty girls?" He glances over at me, his smirk has disappeared. He looks serious. "yeah"

Oh.. I guess he sees my facial expression go from curious to jealous, because he changes his answer "they're pretty, but you're beautiful."

Aw.. Why am I getting jealous? Change the subject.

"Who was that girl you were with, when you burst in the room?"

He shrugs "the hell if I know, she just came on to me so-"
"You were gonna fuck her?" I whisper.

So he decides to be honest with me, when we're not together.
"But then I saw you.." His voice trails off, no. Lets not talk about me.

"underneath that guy.. your legs wrapped around him and"


I turn away rolling my eyes.

"Tell me about this guy"

"he's um.. he can be shy. I haven't seen him shy in a while.." I smile appreciatively at myself; I've gotten him out of his shell- I think.

"I thought you liked athletes"
I laugh "how do you know he's not one?"
"is he?"
"no. You were the only exception, jocs are cocky assholes"

"Where did you meet him?"
"School," duh
"Did he go there when I was there?"
I nod
"I've always liked him, you were the distraction"
"ouch!" he laughs and I laugh.

you can just imagine any hot guy, to be Zac.

I think I love you (A Jaden Smith Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now