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(Jaden is not famous in this story)

It's the last day of school and I'm so ready to get out of this hell hole, like any other day; my mom literally dragged me out of bed this morning. I don't know why she made me come, exams are over.

There was no point of attending, no one was looking forward to seeing me. No one ever notices me, I cut my hair over a month ago and no one made a single comment about it. Except this one girl, she was, she is beautiful- not to mention she's "popular" yes. She spoke to me "me" of all people.

I was at my locker getting my books when she tapped on my shoulder, I nearly dropped my things. I looked up and my heart dropped it was her.... Lyric. She smiled at me, and said "you look really cute.... um with your hair cut" and she walked away.

That was a while ago, I still catch her glance at me every once in a while, but it means absolutely nothing. Now I'm at lunch watching people run around, signing yearbooks. I stare down at mine, a blank crisp white page. I let out a loud sigh and get up to leave.

I'm planning on skipping the rest of the day to spend time with my main girl, Mel. Although if I walked home my mother wouldn't be so happy of me ditching the day; so I decide to walk to the park down the street. I hear someone yelling my name as I walk out of the cafeteria exit. I quickly turn and it's her..

"Lyric" I say nervously she smiles and I run my fingers through my tight curls.. "hey" she says in an excited-like tone, "where are you going? it's the last day, don't you want to stay?" I look her in the eyes confused at why she would care that I was leaving "no I'd rather not" I say lowly.

"Oh, well can I sign your year book?" she asks reaching for my book "sure" I say confidently realizing that I'm actually holding a conversation with someone from school and that person is Lyric Livid to be exact.

She takes my yearbook and signs her name largely, I smile and thank her, she hands me my book and I start to walk away. She stops me "Jaden, can I come?" she asks unsure, not sure if I was gonna say what she wanted to hear "err.. yes, you may beautiful" I pause, not meaning for the last word to come out of my mouth. She grins big, and grabs my hand, and we started walking "where are we going?" she looks up at me, then forward. "To the park" I say looking down at her hair flowing as we continue to walk.

When we get there she runs to the swings, and begins to swing. I lean against a pole and watch, she reminds me so much of Mel- the way shes smiling enjoying life, like nothing is worrying her, almost like every thing would be alright. Her swinging slows down and she motions for me to come sit next to her. I walk over to her and sit, starting to swing. I glance over at her wondering something, "how come you chose today to, you know, finally speak to me?" She looks down.

"It's not my first time speaking to you.." She states matter-of-factly. "I just thought today would be the best time for me to, I don't know. Confront you with...." She looks down at her toes and giggles. What a nice sound. I think to myself.. "It's stupid."

"Tell me" I press. "Confront me with what?" I ask, really confused at what she would want to tell me.

She sighs heavily, her shoulders lifting and dropping. I can feel something between us, tension maybe? Her lips part and her words surprise me "I like you Jaden.. I've liked you since the 6th grade but you, you were always far and-" I guess my expression halted her next words because she stopped and stood. "I'm sorry.." I panic. What do I say to make her stay? I caught her hand as she began to turn. "Wait- don't.. leave" I shake my head with uncertainty. She bites her bottom lip with her arms crossed around her chest her hands holding her sides. I guess this gesture makes her feel secure.

"What do you mean by 'I was always far?'" I motion her to sit, like she did to me. She finally sits back down on the swing. "What I meant is that, you never talked to anyone, you liked to do things 'Jaden's way'" she stopped. Well, Jadens way, is the way. I smile to myself and she continues.

"I was crazy about you then, I don't know, I used to follow far behind you in the halls, I still do sometimes" She laughs and shakes her head and I do too. "Why didn't you just say hi?" She shrugs. "I wanted to. Believe me! but I was scared you seem like you would just brush me off." I sigh, I'm not brushing you off right now" I grin.

"I assumed you were mean" she says lowly. I grip the swing's chain tighter "I'm not mean, Just bold." I nudge her, smirking. "Bold?!!" she explodes with laughter.

She is so beautiful.

I think I love you (A Jaden Smith Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now