Chapter Three

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I wake up in the middle of the bed, and open my eyes.. hm Jaden sleeping, this is such a wonderful sight. Wait OMG DID I FALL ASLEEP?!


"Jaden!" I kind of yell/whisper. He sits up smiling and his face falls when he sees mine. "What's wrong?" he asks "I HAVE TO GO-NOW"

He laughs "come on, walk me home" Does he think I'm joking? I look at him and he has on a just a t-shirt and boxers, he throws a pillow at me and puts some clothes on. "Only if you promise to come back later" I smirk "I will definitely be back later when I get kicked out" we both laugh. "I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind the extra company" he nudges me, and winks. "Good, I'll probably be coming back with bruises too" He looks at me serious this time. Too much. That slipped out of my mouth sort of. I start laughing, trying to play it off.

We walk to my house in silence, I regret saying what I said. He hugs me and kisses my forehead, "bye, Lyric see you later?" I nod and he walks away.

I call the police and I kind of stutter over my words "I hear screaming, crying, and banging on walls at my neighbors house" she asks me a few questions "no its definitely not the first time" she asks for my address and I give it to her. I opened my house door and look behind me, Jaden was still standing there watching me, then I walk in my house.

I wave to him through the blinds in the leaving room. I'm not sure if he saw me or not, I hope he did I probably won't see him again. I hear the floor creak, and I stay faced the window, a calm voice from behind me speaks "Where were you last night?" I get a little shaky and I turn around to a hard slap in the face, I fall hard on the floor holding my right cheek . "WHO WAS THAT BOY?" he yells at me, he was about to slap me again. "daddy, he's just a friend!" I spoke loud enough so that he could hear me. I'm use to this but he hasn't done it in a while, and for some reason I knew he was gonna do it today. He picks me up by my neck and slams me against the wall. I feel really dizzy, it feels like my heart is pumping out of my chest. I start grasping for air, he drops me, and I land on my knees. "I TRY TO BE COOL WITH YOU NICOLE, BUT YOU KEEP FUCKING WITH MY HEAD" tears begin streaming out of my eyes. "DID YOU FUCK HIM?" I try to really answer his question but my brain isn't functioning right. He walks away, and runs back in my direction kicking me in the face I fall down frontwards. "daddy stop" I plead, crying and sobbing. He turns me around and bends over punching my face and stomach. Then I hear sirens. My world is a blur, I can feel myself being picked up onto a stretcher. I see my dad being put into handcuffs. All I thought of was Jaden..when I use to stare at him in school, when I ran after him the last day, his daughter, and the kiss he gave me on my forehead. I was really starting to think that I was dead.


It felt like 2minutes later I hear Jaden's voice, I start to blink my eyes open it's still blurry. "Jaden?" I whisper very hoarsely I wasn't sure if it was him but someone grasps my hand and kisses it. I rub my head and pass out sleep.

It feels like I was only sleep for a couple of hours now. When I get up I smile and see Jaden, with his head in his hands like in movies. I think he's asleep, I kick my leg up so that he can look at me I can't move anything else. He looks up and his eyes are red has he been crying?... over me?

I smile and he frowns, my smile slowly fades away, and gets up and walks away from me "Jaden." I call after him lifting my head up and gasp at all of the pain in my neck, my ribs are throbbing. The nurses rush in, and I see Jaden in the corner of my eye. I can't come up with an explanation of why he's mad at me.

I've been in the hospital for almost almost a week. Jaden visited me everyday, he barely spoke to me though. He said little things like "are you feeling better?" and "do you need something?"

He ignored me the whole ride to his house "Why won't you talk to me?" he looks at me then back at the road, ignoring my question "the guest room, is two doors down from mine" Is he serious? is he really this mad at me? Two can play this game.

When we get out of his car I walk inside the house and go straight to the room, leaving all of the bags for him. I close the door, lie on the bed, and I start to cry. I put my head on the pillow, and a couple of minutes later he walks in and put my suitcases in the room and walks out.

About an hour later I hear his mom telling him to do something, and him stomping up the stairs then my door opens. "Mom told me to tell you that dinner is ready" he looks at me for a while, he starts to close the door. "Wait, Jaden" he closes it, and he stays leaned against the door, I see his shadow.


I didn't go downstairs for dinner, I didn't feel like I was wanted. I hear Jaden down the hall "go to sleep Mel" my door starts to open and I lay down, pretending like I was sleep. Jaden sits down on my bed and puts his hand on my thigh. "I know you're not asleep Lyric"

I think I love you (A Jaden Smith Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now