chapter 50

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Zoe's Perspective
I woke up in a unfamiliar room. Or at least it seemed unfamiliar.
"She's up."I heard someone say.I look in the direction that the voice came from.
I saw a very beautiful man,I wasn't sure who he was,but i feel like i know him.
Then the man came up to me,and kissed me on the forehead. He felt very cold to the touch. I didn't do anything but look at him strangly.
He noticed the look i gave him.
"You don't remember?" He asked.
I just shook my head no.
"Wait, my sister doesn't remember anything?" I heard a loud male voice say.
"I'm sorry, but she just shook her head no." The man that was still close to me.
Then another man came up to me. He kneeled down at my side, to make eye-to-eye contact.
"You don't remember, the baseball game? or your wedding? or honeymoon?" He asked.
"No, i don't." I answered. softly.
Then a little girl  appeared.
"Ywou dwon't wemembew me mwommwy?(you don't remember me mommy?)" She said.
I felt awful. I didn't remember my own child.
I put my hand on hers, then said, "I'm sorry, but nothing looks familiar to me."
Then a blonde comes up and says, "Go back to sleep, maybe your memory will come back."
I nodded then did what he said.

I was having the weirdest dream.
I was in a room with 2 little kids, one boy, one girl, and 2 adults, one woman,one man.
They were telling me that i was going to leave Tennessee, to go to Forks Washington to stay with some friends Called the Cullens. then all of a sudden i remember that one day a girl named Alice Cullen was my best friend and told me that her and her family were vampires, and that only i knew that.
 Then Flash foward and I'm in a room with what looks like the Cullens, playing guitar and singing a song,i wasn't sure what song.
Then it hit me. I was a song i wrote myself, I called it Don't forget.
Then again flash foward, and I'm singing yet another song, but this time it was Who says, in front of a larger crowd. Then i remembered that i fell in love, and when he had to leave to go back to Volterra, I wrote another song.I remember naming it A year without rain. It just now hit me that the man that i saw earlier, was the man who i was in love with, and his name was Alec.I remember going to a ball, and dancing with him. We sneeked out of the ball room, and went into the garden. When someone was looking for us, we were trying to hide and not get cought. When the ball ended, i went back to the garden and sat at the fountain that was in it.
I remember a man who usually didn't smile named Marcus come in and actually smile. He told me about how Alec reacted when i arrived "He lit up like a Christmas Tree" is how he put it. I then remember Alec Proposing to me,and then me walking down the aisle in a white dress. I started to remember our honeymoon. Then i realized that the 2 kids and 2 adults were my family. I remember being pregnant, and then giving birth to twins, one boy and one girl. It donged on me that the girl that called me mommy was my daughter. Then i remember a fight between Alec and i because he was late. I started to remember going to a baseball game, and running into some Vampires. The blonde one,James was a tracker,and he had tried to track me down. I remember going to a ballet studio to meet him, and him almost killing me.
I remember my last thought that i had, before i went unconscious.
I started to become unaware of where i was, and who i was. I started to slip into unconsciousness.
Is this how death is supposed to feel?
It makes life feel hard, compared to death.
Life is hard. Death is peaceful.
I remember it all now.

I opened my eyes and everyone was still there. Like, they were waiting for something.
"Alec."I whispered, knowing that they would hear me. Then my husband stood up and came up to me and gave me a hug.
"You remember. You finally remember."He said.
"I love you."I said
"I love you too baby girl."He said back, then crashing his lips on mine.
"Mwommwy(Mommy)!" I heard 2 kids say. They ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Hey kids."I said.

Author's note: Whatcha think?

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