the frazier's residence | 5

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Brynn and Mackenzie had grown rather close over the next week, they were spending so much time together whilst planning their sabotage, that a strong friendship had grown.

Brynn had the brain, Mackenzie had the humor. Brynn thought it refreshing to have a change from Kalani - who had in fact been distancing herself from Brynn. Luckily Brynn was too caught up in Kenzieland to notice how suspicious Kalani was becoming.

"Here we are." Brynn spoke whilst switching the car off and exiting the vehicle. Mackenzie joined her on the other side as they both glanced at the large sign.


"Brynn?" Mackenzie hummed.

"Yes?" She smiled back.

"What do we actually need from here? I didn't think suffocati-"

"Shhh!" Brynn silenced Mackenzie, "there are people here! That's not just something you can announce freely." She sighed.

"Oh, sorry." Mackenzie dropped her head and began to shamelessly follow Brynn into the large store.

Entering the shop, Brynn grabbed a basket and offered the worker nearby a smile.

"Ohmygosh he was totally checking you out!" Mackenzie announced, once again louder than necessary.

"Kenz! C'mon keep it down!" Brynn wasn't used to this, Kalani was never one to be overly loud in public places - in any place really.

"Whoops." She giggled. "Okay but seriously, what are we getting from here?" Mackenzie was still confused, what more did they need to carry out this plan?

"Gloves." Brynn replied

"Gloves? Ohhh, gloves." Mackenzie nodded.

"And cookies." Brynn watched as Mackenzie rose her right eyebrow. "What? A bitch get's hungry on the way to murder someone." She laughed.

Mackenzie couldn't help but notice how Brynn seemed to speak from experience.

No, there's no way.

Mackenzie shook the thought, Brynn was smart, but not experienced.

"Hello Kenzie?" Brynn snapped her fingers in Mackenzie's face, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Sorry! sorry." Mackenzie spilled, quickly shaking her head as if trying to knock the idea from her mind.

"Let's just get this over with so we can get to Nia's." Brynn reminded Mackenzie who had noticeably forgotten about meeting at Nia's house.


"Nice room.." Mackenzie tried to be polite, the room was coated in black paint and had odd sculptures hanging off the walls.

"I try." Nia replied, Brynn's eyes widening as she nodded.

"Well anyways.. is everyone ready to do this?" Brynn once again took control of the situation, the others were grateful, they needed a leader who knew what she was doing.

"I'm scared!" Maddie let out covering her mouth straight after as if she'd said something horrendous.

"Don't be Mads, we have everything perfectly planned out, nothing can go wrong." Brynn smiled.

"Hey uh Nia, can I use the bathroom please?" Mackenzie asked timidly.

"Third door on the left." Nia instructed pointing down the hall.

"Thanks." Mackenzie got to her feet and started for the bathroom. She reached the door, Mackenzie was sure it was the third one, she was wrong.

Mackenzie pushed the door open and stumbled into a small dark room. Still unaware that it was not the bathroom, she switched on the light.

Mackenzie let out a small scream as she tripped backwards into a box. She stared at the crowded room in utter shock. It was a shrine, not just your average Zac Efron shrine, but a hate shrine.

A hate shrine for Kendall Vertes.

Mackenzie couldn't believe what she was witnessing, graffitied posters of Kendall littered the walls, Kendall look-a-like dolls with knives stabbed into their self-drawn hearts, and on the largest wall a message written in what seemed to be blood but was hopefully just red paint.

'Nobody steals my spotlight, bitch.'

Mackenzie's heart was racing, she feared the arrival of Nia and what would happen, obviously this wasn't something Mackenzie was ever supposed to see. She stood up from the box and shut the light off returning the room to its pitch black state. She stepped out of the room shutting the door and leaning her back up against it. She attempted to slow her rapid breathing before making her way back to the girls in Nia's room.

She didn't want to risk entering another creepy room in this house, her pee could wait.

"Finally! You ready to get this show on the road best friend!" Brynn announced loudly, looking directly towards Kalani.

Kalani's chest stung at the label Brynn had obviously just thrown in her face.

"Yeah let's get out of here." Mackenzie spoke a little to eagerly.


this week was hella stressful lmfao and i went to little mix last night! it was so good my gosh anywaysss

hope y'all enjoyed this!
the murder scene is bout to go down next chapter ;))

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