falling into place | 4

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"But how?" Maddie questioned, they needed to find a way to kill Kendall and not leave a single trace.

"Uh we could erm shoot her?" Mackenzie suggested.

"With whose gun?" Brynn almost laughed, "besides that's no fun now is it?"

"Fun?" Kalani's eyes widened. "A minute a go you were against the whole idea and now you're all for it and trying to make it fun?" Kalani was baffled.

"That's before I remembered how fun it was to murder someone." Brynn smirked.

Kalani's chest tightened, she almost felt sick at the sight. The room was silent and everyone, including Nia, was stunned.

"Woah guys im just kidding! obviously." She whipped her blonde fishtail braid and gave a small laugh - clearly faked.

Kalani usually would believe her best friend, especially after such a wild statement, but something was different in Brynn's eyes. Kalani and Brynn had grown up together, it was easy for Kalani to identify a lie or "joke" coming from her, this was definitely not one of those times.

Brynn's eyes darted to Kalani and Kalani gave off a nervous chuckle. Brynn's eyes poured into her soul before giving her a small wink that sent a shudder down Kalani's spine.

This didn't feel right to Kalani, but she was never one to start too much unnecessary drama. They both wanted Kendall gone so Kalani shook the uncomfortable feeling away. She would not let this stand in her way of getting rid of the real problem, Kendall.

"Anyways.." Nia cut the tension in two. "How do we do it?"

"How about we look it up?" Mackenzie began. "Wait," she paused to consider, "maybe not.." Realising how that would look if anyone hacked into her private browsing, she retreated.

"Wait! I think I might have something that could help us!" Maddie seemed to have remembered something, her face lit up like it did when you first realise you have a chocolate in the fridge that you'd forgotten about.

"Spill." Brynn spoke, not overly expectant of Maddie after the previous ideas.

"I don't know if any of you know that I used to be apart of the swimming squad down the road, Kendall as well."

"How is this relevant?" Kalani said with risen eyebrows.

"I'm getting there. Kendall always stays ten minutes after practice.. She thinks it makes her better to get ten minutes more "training" although I'm pretty sure she just uses that as an excuse to skinny dip." Maddie paused.

"So you're suggesting we attack her while she's alone and vulnerable - the pool?" Brynn was surprised at the half decent plan.

Maddie nodded feeling particularly pleased with herself.

"But wait aren't there cameras?" Nia asked, surely they would have a surveillance system.

"Nope. The whole security system crashed about a month ago, the club can't afford a new one right now." Maddie was ecstatic, she could feel the plan setting into place.

"So that's why Kendall has been taking advantage of the pool while no one is there." Brynn put two and two together, there was no way Kendall would be swimming naked while there were cameras, too risky.

"So we have a venue.. how do we actually kill her though?" Kalani needed to have every detail planned out, she would lose sleep if otherwise.

"What about suffocation... Drowning? Easy to achieve, no bloody mess to clean." Nia nodded her head, almost reassuring herself of the potential of her own idea.

"That's perfect!" Brynn announced loudly. "We could easily pull that off, obviously we will need more planning time so we can look into the details but this can work!" Brynn stared out at all of the content faces, she was pleased and so were they.

"I better go now." Kalani said standing up and reaching for her bag.

"Yes I'm calling it, go home and get some rest girls, you're going to need it."

hello its me
this is trash im sorry
I would've updated earlier but i went on camp so here is a quick annoying chapter lmao ily all and this book is so close to 1k reads HOW?

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