a change of plans | 3

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Maddie and Mackenzie were home alone, again. Their parents were rarely home - always busy at work.

"Maddie?" Mackenzie knocked on her sisters door impatiently.

"What? It's open." Mackenzie threw the door open in an annoyed manner, storming inside Maddie's bedroom. Mackenzie began ripping at the roots of her hair. Taking in her sisters rose gold themed decor. Maddie wore a look of scepticism. "Uhh-"

"It's Kendall! That fucking asshole! I hate her so much!" It was evident that Mackenzie was borderline crying. Dropping her pen - which she had previously been using to scribble on her notepad; Maddie leapt off her bed and to Mackenzie's side.

"What did that snake bitch do this time?" Maddie was fed-up with the constant nonsense from Kendall.

"I may have sent a photo to someone... I may or may not have been wearing a shirt but I swear-"


"It's not as bad as you'd think, it's just er um.." Mackenzie faltered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"Please tell me you didn't." Maddie paused, hoping for a response, hoping her sister would begin to laugh and tell her it was a prank.


"Mackenzie how could you have been so stupid? Let me fucking guess she sent it to someone?" Mackenzie slowly nodded before the nearing tears returned, full force. Maddie pursed her lips, "who?"

"Only my crush... So far." Mackenzie pulled out her iPhone decorated in a pastel pink case, opened a message from Kendall and proceeded to Hand Maddie the phone. She then flopped onto her sisters bed in defeat as she began to read.

 She then flopped onto her sisters bed in defeat as she began to read

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"OHMYGOD!" Maddie threw the phone onto the bed in anger. "Mackenzie what the fuck are you going to do! We don't have 6500 dollars! Is she crazy?" Maddie may have been angry at Mackenzie for being so naive and unintelligent, but she was infuriated by Kendall, this had to end now.

Kendall could not be stopped as easily as they had first assumed, not now. She had too much power.

"Mackenzie, I think there is going to be a change of plans." Maddie said whilst dialling Brynn's number.


"SHE SAID WHAT?" Brynn squealed.

"We have to stop her." Maddie said pushing her way into Brynn's house. She wasn't about to let her sisters life be ruined, especially not by Candle-fucking-K.

"Yeah no kidding! That's what we've been trying to do." Brynn let out a moan in annoyance. This was not the mess she signed up to clean. Although Brynn was not keen on fixing the situation, she knew it needed to be done.

"Meet after school tomorrow, usual place, I'll tell the girls." Brynn uttered nonchalantly.

"But the others! I don't want them to find out!" Mackenzie rushed in a panic.

"Kenz, you should've thought about that before snapping that pic, everyone knows you don't take or send nudes. It's social suicide." Mackenzie looked at her sister pleadingly.

"Mackenzie, she's right, you dug your own grave, just be glad Brynn is willing to try and help you out of it." Mackenzie sighed, they both made a valid point.

"Ok, we will be there." Mackenzie said concluding the conversation and exiting Brynn's house.


"Right, we are all here today because Mackenzie made an idiotic move, this resulting in us having to think a little larger - in terms of ruining Kendall." Brynn began her usual leadership role, addressing the group of teenage girls.

"I wish we could just end her." Nia groaned rolling her eyes in aggravation.

"We are trying." Brynn sighed. What didn't people get? Time is needed to perform a successful take-down... Most often that is.

"No I mean end her, for good." Nia replied vaguely.

"Like... Murder?" Kalani gasped. All jaws in the room dropped, apart from Nia's.

"Nia that's insane... You're insane!" Brynn yelled. "There is no way..." Brynn paused to consider. "No, no way. We could go to jail!" Brynn threw her arms in the air.

"Not if we do it properly." Mackenzie added.

"You aswell?" Brynn exclaimed, she couldn't believe Mackenzie was actually boarding the 'let's kill kendall' train. Although Mackenzie did have a more comprehensible reason than Nia... The girl lost her role in a school play, and now she wants to kill a bitch.


"This may sound crazy but..." Kalani began, "I think we should do it. Let's just get rid of her once and for all, I'm over it and her."

"Maddie?" Brynn questioned.

"If it will save my sister, then I'm in." Maddie replied whilst biting her nails - an old habit that came accompanied with nerves.

"Murder... We are talking about taking someone's life here." Brynn glanced at each of the girls, not a single objection.


"Okay I guess... Let's kill Kendall K."

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