Chapter seven

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Caitlin's POV-

I didn't think to find Carol till now . She was standing proud next to her Alpha friend. I'm guessing they joined Packs but they were both in charged . The girl whispered something to the guy that I couldn't quite hear. I start to walk again to see that my Pack has followed me I put my hand up signaling them to stop .

They stop but Ryan walks over to me and says " I'm going with you but Tyler and the rest of these guys can stay " I roll my eyes mentally in my head but reply " fine Tyler guys stay here we going to go talk to the other wolves ". They nodded and I could see the hurt in Tyler's eyes but he knew it was for the best.

I walk over to them with Ryan at my left side. We walked up to them to be few feet from their faces , I say " what must bring you here to speak to me and threaten my Pack " the guy scoffs and looks at Ryan and says " bro is this girl serious she's so scrawny even my Alpha friend over here can beat her up she's the best of the best ".

Ryan just looks at him but then at me but looks back at the guy. Ryan says " Um what do you want and don't judge my little sister she's the Alpha right now " the guy puts his hands up and says " well lets see who's the strongest if she beats me than were in for ever in their order to protect your Pack "?

Ryan just looked at him to knowing what to say so I shout out " fine I accept you're challenge may we begin right now ". The girl went from feeling proudly to feeling a bit uneasy but she quick said " fine lets get this over with I don't have so much time to mess around with a wanna be ". I was just about to call Ryan but realized that my Pack and their Pack were forming a circle around us and started cheering for both of us .

He was already shifted into his wolf form. He was a coffee brown wolf with golden eyes that looked amber when he looked up at the sun. He lounged at me but I ducked and fell on his face but recovered quickly.

He started running towards me and I ran too but when I was about to bump into him I jumped up and I started to think about my wolf and I shifted in mid-air to land on my four paws. Everyone from the other Pack including the girl was shocked surprised and were gasping in astonishment. I just chuckled in my hard saying to myself " yeah I'm a white wolf and what " but then again I forgot to turn off my mind link and I hear my Pack laughing at my comment. I wasn't paying attention because by the time I looked up I noticed that the other wolf was already lounging and he got my on my back but I snarled and I bite his leg and I could feel the metallic blood in my mouth.

He yelp and that was enough to distract him because I pushed him off and I started to walk in a circle around him and the girl she had blue hair with a black purple eye colors just like Carol's . She tried to jump in but one of the members made her stay there. I realized that the coffee brown wolf got up and walking in a circle with me and I ran fast enough to nip his tail and ear and he was distracted with his tail that I was able to lounge at him and he was on his back panting and gasping for air which was weird because he's an Alpha. I was snarling at him and bared my teeth and I think I t scared him enough because he lowered his tail and let his ears flop down. He lowered his head I get off him and he gets up to his Pack his Pack along with the girl were not happy but its not my fault I can tame a Alpha now is it .

I go off of him and I walked over to Tyler who started stroking my fur and I could just feel the tingles run threw my body. Then the guy stood on all fours and I started to run into the Pack house still in my wolf form. I run up to my room struggling to open the door so Sophia helped me which I hated because it felt like I couldn't do anything. I growl at him but go into my room and shut the door behind me. I shift to human and I throw on some clothes a black shirt and some basketball shorts and put on my toms ( I know what you saying toms in the woods really but hey I have senses that are stronger than yours no doubt so if I mess up a step I know about it ).

I start to run out of the house to where my Pack was with the rouges. I was finally their and I see that the guy had already shifted to human fully clothes he had jet black hair with forest green eyes and he had a slight tan but it fit him and he was built to last . Next to him was the girl she looked at me like if I was a stranger but at the same time I haven't seen her in 8 years but you know what I don't want to ruin her life now so ill just not touch the subject till she remembers.

Tyler comes to my side and he intwines his fingers with mine and I gave him a smile. The girl and the guy look at me but the guy spoke up saying " hello Alpha we have came to ask to join you're Pack but if me and my friend Alpha Sapphire can still lead but with you at our side ". I wanted to shout in his face and say " she's not Sapphire she's Carol dimwit" but all I said was " why". She comes up to me trying to intimate but it didn't work and you can see the hatred in her eyes and she shouts " Alpha Ryder she's not going to help why waste our time we can find another Pack who may help us ".

Ryder comes up to Sapphire and whispers in her ear " this is our last Pack Sapphire and there the strongest on here so either we die trying to save our asses or you can play nice join forces and defeat the rouges ". She growled at him but he didn't flinch she looks at me and says trying to keep her cool but she manages to say " well we started off at a rocky start lets start over I'm Sapphire and my friend over here is Ryder we joined Packs and now were both in charge I was going to ask if you can help us train and defeat the rouges and maybe we can join Packs and we three can be in charge also were the Red Moon Blood Pack ".

I remembered my father saying something about their Pack that they protected their own but that would attack innocent humans it made my blood boil when I heard they have been doing this and what made me almost over the edge was that they came to me for help yes I know she was my best friend but you don't go around killing innocent humans because it puts us wolves in shame and bring bigger risk to us by the hunters.

I looked at her and I could see that she was just ready to pop and I knew exactly how to push her buttons. But I didn't but I did say " I already have the guest Pack house filled up with 5 people and I didn't think you will get along I would tell you to move into our Pack house but its kind of full and since I see that you have about 250 of wolves I have over 400 so how do you think they will fit unless you guys want to build a house on our land I don't have room for you and even if you try to sleep on the floor I don't know where I will out you ".

Sapphire sighs in annoyance and says to Ryder " see I told you useless we can't be treated like scum of the bottom of shoes were a better Pack and we deserve to be treated that way really thought that they would help but I guess I was wrong " I raise my eyebrows and say " I gave you about three different chocked its not my fault or situation that you can't find one so either pick one or leave because right now I have children mean and woman at stake ok now choose " I was mad by the time I finished my sentence she said I didn't give her a choice really I gave her about three.

Ryder comes up to Sapphire and says " well just have to deal with the Pack of 5 while we build a house ok Sapphire we have no other choice we need their help " she scowls at him but knew he was right. She looks at me and says " fine were going to stay with the " Pack of five but once were done building the house were moving into the house '.

I look at her and say " but my territory my rules so follow them or be punished by them and please don't mess around with the children or the mated women that have lost their mate and trust me if I hear that you've touched a single hair on either of my Pack I will personally rip the flesh of of everybody's face staple it back together just to be ripped off again and then I will burn you with wolf bane ". Most of their Pack looked terrified and so did my Pack but Ryder chuckled and said " do you even know how to rip the flesh off someone's face ".

I smile and say " try me and watch what happens and yes I've done it before "

Authors note  

Sorry for the cliff hanger I don't know why I keep getting to those but don't worry I will update ok so hope you like this chapter and sorry its so short :( but still its really good I think well love you all




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