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Pushing her untamed, russet locks out of her face, Skylar let out a loud groan and attempted to gently slam her head onto her desk. Gently. Only hard enough to give her a mild concussion... or put her in the hospital. Right now, she would pick the latter.

Startling upwards from her bed, Paul hazily looked around the room before focusing his eyes on his imprint. Furrowing his eyebrows, he let out a silent grunt that mimicked Skylar's own,. Face setting in his hands, he slanted his head to peer at her. "I thought you were going to finish that paper, like, an hour ago?"

"Do you even know who Macbeth is?" Skylar snapped, raising her head up from her desk and whipping it around to look at the slyly grinning boy. "That's what I thought. So unless you want me to work at a McDonald's for the rest of my life, I suggest you go back to sleep."

Staring at her with adoring eyes, Paul pushed himself off the bed and made his way over to the desk. Towering over the young adult, he peered over her shoulder to read her work. "You know what, babe. That looks, just, absolutely amazing. You'll fucking ace it, I guarantee it. So since you know you're gonna pass, how 'bout you come back to bed."

Skylar slowly turned her head, throwing him a fierce glare. "Paul. This is worth 20% of my final grade, so if you would kindly – Paul!" Grinning widely and he held both of her hands together with a single one, he used the other press down the 'B' key, making a string of the one letter appear across the screen. "I am going to kill you!" Finally managing to push him away, she bit back a smile. "Get back to the bed... Paul, bed! Now!"

Winking at her, the older boy strutted his way back to the mattress, feeling very accomplished. "But it's so cold without you," he dragged out, a look of mock sadness on his face.

"Then get a blanket, asshole. Besides you're like 150 degrees. I'm sure you'll be fine."

Right when Skylar was getting back into the groove of things, a stream of cold air brushing by her ear. Hearing Paul's incessant chuckling right behind her, she rolled her eyes.

"Don't you think it's time for a break, baby?" Paul whispered, making sure to brush his lips on the shell of her ear. "Because I sure do."

Slapping his hands away, Skylar didn't even look away from the screen on her laptop but sighed when she simply heard him pull up a chair beside her. "Seriously, Paul. I have to finish this."

"You have two weeks!" Paul exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "I'm sure you'll have time to get it done."

"Not with you here. Which is all the time by the way. Charlie's mad you ate all of his Doritos so I would watch out."

Tilting his head, Paul smirked. "I'm sure I can handle him. But let's talk about you and how you're done with this paper."

"If I roll my eyes at you one more time, they will literally fall out of my head and onto the floor," Skylar said, not sparing a glance at the boy beside her.

Sighing in relief when he quieted down for a few seconds, she continued to type away on her computer. Her eyes focused solely on the screen before she felt Paul brush her hair off her shoulder. Tightening her jaw as he softly placed open-mouth kisses on her neck, she rolled her shoulder. "Paul," she whined. "Please give me ten more minutes, baby."

"I'll give you five," he whispered back, making Skylar shiver as breathed cool air down her neck.

Finally turning towards him, Skylar was about to reply when a sharp howl pierced the air. Raising an eyebrow towards the window, she chuckled. "That you're que."

Groaning, Paul stood up. "Just as we were getting to the good part," he muttered. He made his way towards the window, making Skylar frown.

"Just go out the front door like a normal boy."

Turning his head back, Paul snorted. "And let your dad know I've been here without him knowing? Let's not." Winking at her, he pulled himself up to the window. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby."

Shaking her head in amusement, Skylar let out a quiet sigh and bit her lip. "Okay then. Time to make this English paper my bitch."

So I'm finally working on this story again! It has been awhile but I'm excited for it to happen. I'll probably try to update on a set day every once a week or so, but we'll see how that turns out. Anyways, I wanted to start out this story with a lil bit of fluff so we'll get to the good stuff in the next few chapters or so. 

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