Alpha Damien

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So this chapter is in both Raven and her wolf Maeve's pov.
I have no idea how to write a fight scene and just so you know the name of Aaron's wolf is Zander. And this song is so true it hurts.


Maeve's ( Ravens Wolf) Pov

His eyes turned a bright yellow letting him wolf take over.
"So this is the big bad alpha wolf" I spit.
"So this is the special Silver Blood" He snarls.
I growl baring my teeth.
"Don't disrespect me" He barks crouching down ready to pounce.
"My respect is earned not demanded" I yell his eyes glowing darker than before.
"I AM THE KING I WILL GET RESPECT" He shouts making me smirk.
"Oh but you're not king yet are you. Prince" I emphasise every word pushing him over the edge.
He came hurtling towards me knocking me to the floor.
I twist from his grip kicking him in the yaw making a small yelp slip from his mouth.
"You get to cocky MATE " I growl and he death glares me before a devious smirk washed across his face making my heart drop.
He continues to launch himself at me in attempts to knock me down.
" And you are so helpful. I know what happened to you're parents" He looks me straight in the eyes "You ran away and left them for dead" He spits and i freeze.
I feel Raven start to shake and let out a pained whine before i felt her try take over.
No you're in no state
I growl before i feel her give up.

"I was 6 and we were being attacked by rouges" I growl the images flashing through my mind.
"You ran like a coward and left them to die only to save yourself" He chuckles humourlessly.
"You left them to die" He growls before tackling me to the ground.
I latch my teeth onto his shoulder making him yelp.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TRULY HAPPENED" I cried kicking him off me.
"Oh but i was there" He snorts.
"What....." I whisper as he pulls himself back up.
"I was on patrol and I saw a kid a little younger than me run"
"AND YOU DIDN'T HELP RAVEN AND HER FAMILY" I shove him to the ground pinning him against the dirt floor of the woods.
"By the time i got there it was to late" He pushes me off.
I was shaking violently before i flipped round launching him into a tree with a grunt.
"STAY AWAY FROM US" I scream tears running from my eyes and i howl in pain.
Please let me take over Raven whispers and i nod.
I slowly fade into the back of her mind and she takes back over.

*****Raven's Pov*****

He said that......
He brought my family into a argument. My dead family!
"Good bye Prince Aaron. I hope you find you're second chance mate" I whisper my voice hoarse and almost unheard.
He just looked at me. His eyes had returned to their normal brown but greyer than usual.
"Don't bother you made yourself pretty clear" I wipe the stray tear that was sliding down my cheek.
Then i set off through the forest to the only place i had left.
My pack. Back with Alpha Damien who is like my brother. The only one who didn't judge me.


Once i reached the pack grounds i rushed through the house and towards his office.
"DAMIEN" I yell on the brink of a break down.
"RAVEN?" A  familiar voice echoed through the halls.
I bust through the door to find him sat at his desk smiling.
His dark hair was swept to the side and his big blue eyes stared at me in excitement. He was wearing a tight black shirt with a leather jacket and dark blue ripped jeans. I would not deni
" Done checking me out yet" He smirked before instantly he stood up and enveloped me into a huge hug. I sobbed heavily into his chest and he held on tighter and soothingly started to rub my back.
"Now what's wrong with ma sister" He frowns pulling back.
"Aaron Jackson" I whimper.
The sound of his name sent a wave of pain through my veins and felt like a dagger to the heart.
"The prince?" He tilts him head.
"Y-yeah" I nod wiping the betraying tears that fell.
"Why were you with the prince?" He questions handing me a tissue.

"He's my mate"

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