Valentine's Day

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It was the 14th of February. Valentines Day! And on this day Letty was all alone cause Owen was in London for a business trip. A day for love and she didn't have anyone. She was walking on the streets of New York looking at all the couples smooching and making love to one another which reminded her of old times. Just then she got a phone call from Dom.

"Hi, do you have any plans today?"
"Yeah, preparations for the...
"Wedding, I know. Maybe I could help out"
"Dom I don't think that would be wise especially with us now"
"Look, just because we had an intense moment doesn't mean we still can't be friends, we both live in the same city and it would be nice to spend some time with you"

Letty hesitated for a bit before answering.

"Alright, meet me at Carlos Bakery. I have to test  some cakes you could help me decided"

Dom smiled on the other side of the phone. He was glad she had agreed. They met in front of the bakery and went inside to taste the cakes. They tasted all sorts of flavors and finally Letty decided to go with red velvet. She told the head baker she wanted a simple yet elegant cake with embroidered designs and white roses to make it look beautiful. Once they finished they walked down the street. As they walked Letty noticed Dom had a little cream at the tip of his lips. She stopped him and slowly wiped the cream off as she stared into his deep brown eyes, those same eyes that she fell in love with, that she still was in love with. She quickly regained herself and they continued walking.

"So what's next?"
"Nothing. That's all for today" she said slightly turning to the right.
"You're lying"
"How do you know I'm lying?"
"Cause you always slightly turn to the right, I remember"

She grinned a little "I have a dance class to attend. As you know I'm not the greatest dancer and Owen and I have been taking these classes to get better"
"But he's not here"
"I'm sure there will be someone else I can dance with there"
"Let me be your partner today"
"Come on it's just a dance and I'm pretty good at it. I could give you some pointers"

She laughed upon hearing his words and agreed to let him dance with her.

Once they arrived they saw many couples dancing from the young to the old. Dom and Letty took their positions and were about to start the lesson.

"Do you mind if we danced without following the steps for a while?"he asked the instructor.
"Of course, go ahead. I'll just get the music started"

The song that played was So Close, the same song that they danced to all those years ago. Letty smiled as she heard the song.

Dom placed his hand on her waist pulling her closer towards him, her hand firmly on his shoulder and their free hands finally met. Together, they danced to the music, their feet in perfect sync . As the song progressed Letty felt relaxed, and allowed a small smile to form on her lips. He was perfect. His eyes, dark as midnight were deep and irresistible. Was she falling for him all over again?The warmth between them grew more powerful by the second. Letty's heartbeat was growing steadily along with it. Their dance was perfect; everything from their breathing to how their feet moved stayed in sync.

Dom guided her across the dance floor as if they were in a dream. He kept his eyes on her yet still, he knew exactly where to take her. Every moment, every angle seemed to be planned in advanced. Nothing felt forced; Letty literally thought she was floating.

"Dom" she whispered, "when did you get so good at this?"

He squeezed her hand slightly and smiled. "Maybe because I'm dancing with you"

With that, she knew. He need not say more. Her heart, her whole being was still in love with him.

That was when she decided to let ago. Let her worries,her pain, and sorrow go. Right here, right now she was living. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore; she allowed him to take her anywhere he pleased on this dance floor. He went right, she went right. He sped up, she sped up. They became one with the song, with the dance and with each other. They continued like that until the song ended. All the other people in the room including the instructors applauded. Letty couldn't help but smile at Dom.

As they finished Letty thanked him and they went their seperate ways. As she arrived to her apartment she saw a man standing there. She quickly ran and hugged him from the back thinking it was Dom but it was her fiance Owen.

"Owen, when did you get back?" she said as she hugged him.
"I couldn't be away from you especially not today so I got on a plane and here I am to spend my day with my lovely wife to be" he said as he kissed her picking her up and spinning her around.

Just then Dom arrived with a bunch on beautiful orange tulips and a box of Hersey's chocolates, both of which are Letty's favorites. He was about to give it to her for Valentines but once he saw Letty with Owen his smile turned into a frown and he knew he had failed. All he wanted to do was to surprise her for Valentines and now it would never be. He walked away with sadness and sorrow in his heart knowing that Letty would never be his.

that was the end of another chapter. hope you all liked it. please do comment on your thoughts and don't forget to vote and follow. thanks :)

Dom and Letty- Finding My LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon