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"What?" he said almost a whisper. She couldn't look at him. Tears were threatening to rush down her face. She tried to free her hand from Dom's grip but he held on to her tighter.

"Dom, let me go"

Words all didn't make sense to him now. He was still sinking in all the information. Letty was pregnant! He has a child! He's a father!

"DOM, let me go,please" she pleaded.
"I wanna see my kid"

He pulled her into an alley and  pushed her towards the wall. His grip on her hand tightening as she struggled.

"Please let me go Dom, please let me go, you're hurting me, please" she said as she cried.

He let go of her hand and saw that her wrist was red in color. He didn't mean to grip her that tightly but he was angry at why she didn't tell him.

As soon as he did so,she slumped against the wall and sat down, bringing her legs up towards her chest. The tears profusely running down her face.

Dom crouched down in front of her and touched her shoulders.

"Don't touch me, just please leave me alone"
"Letty, I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you"

Letty looked into his deep dark brown eyes and saw that he was sorry. He was crying now too. She had never seen him cry before. Sad yes but cry never!

"Letty, I'm so sorry, please don't hate me"
She touched his arm and said. "I could never hate you Dom, I know you're sorry but I still can't forgive you"
"I know but the least you could do is let me see my kid" he said as he wiped his tears.

She cried again, the tears soaking her face and making it puffy. she sucked in a breath of air and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Tomorrow, come to the garage. You'll meet our child then"

She nodded in response. Dom got up and reached his hand out for her. She gave him a look and grabbed his hand. She lightly smiled at him before walking away.


He entered her apartment. It seemed awfully quiet and clean as if a child never lived there. He couldn't wait to see his son or daughter. He was a father and he would be there for his family.

"You might want to sit down, it's gonna take a while"

Dom obeyed and sat down on the couch as he watched Letty walk away. Maybe his child was in there and Letty was bringing him or her to meet their father. Letty soon arrived and handed Dom a sonogram. He took it and looked at her not understanding what's going on.

"Letty, why are you showing me this?"
"That's your son" she said.
"This is a sonogram, I want to meet him"
"You can't see him"

Dom was angry. She had told him he could meet his child and now she was going back on her words.

"Letty, you promised me I could meet him. You owe me that much! I want to see my son! I want to see him!" he said raising his voice.

Letty could not say anything. She cried as he screamed at her. Dom yelled again at her until she couldn't take it anymore.

"He's DEAD!" she managed to yell out as she cried harder. "He died while he was in my stomach, a month before he was born, that's the last thing I have in his memory. Your son died Dominic" she said as she cried.

He didn't know what to say! He froze upon hearing her words. His son is dead and the only thing left was a sonogram of him. He examined the sonogram and held onto it tighter.

He moved towards Letty and hugged her. He wrapped his arms around her and embraced her.

"Dom, just leave me alone, please don't do this to me" she said through sobs.

Dom didn't care. He loved her and he was going to be there for her. She had kept this bottled up for 10 years and know she was releasing it all.

She soaked his shirt with her tears.

"I'm sorry Dom, I'm sorry I lost our baby, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she cried into his chest.

He rocked her back and forth comforting her, trying to get her to calm down.

"It's not your fault Letty, it could have happened to anyone. Its' not your fault" he repeatedly told her calming her down.

After several attempts he finally calmed her down so much so she fell asleep on Dom's chest. Dom didn't move afraid he would wake her. He gently carried her bridal style and brought her to her bedroom. He placed her on the bed and pulled the blanket up to her chest knowing it would be cold later. He sat next to her just admiring the beauty of her. He loved this woman and he was going to get her back. No matter what happens he was going to get his woman back.

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