Grease Monkey

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Mia and Letty were having lunch in the cafeteria. The two of them have been getting to know each other better and have been spending loads of time together. Letty and Mia had become like sisters over the past few weeks. Letty liked having Mia around and Mia liked spending time with Letty.

"So, I hear you and my brother are going to be working together in the garage today"
"Yeah, I mean he insisted and I do need help on my car"
"You two seem to be getting closer these days"

Letty laughed "Mia, don't get me wrong your brother is a really nice guy but he's a player"
"You would be pretty surprised"
"I doubt it"
"Just saying, don't judge a book by it's cover"
"I'll keep that in mind"

The girls continued eating their lunch while talking about their classes and after school activities.

Letty was sitting in her English class with Mr. Nelson, her final class of the day. She stared at the wall clock, watching the minute hand, constantly waiting for the bell to ring. She tapped her pencil on her book and fiddled with her stationery. She couldn't wait to go home and work on her car. At the same time she also was thinking about what Mia had said earlier. Were Dom and her really  getting closer? Yes, they did spend time together but that was it. Their just good friends, nothing more, right? Her thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang, a sign of her freedom.

She waited for Mia at at the car park. Both the girls drove home. Letty dropped Mia and then went home to slip into something a little more comfortable.

Mia found her brother in the garage working on a Nissan 240 SX.

"Where's Letty? She's supposed to come in today" Dom asked his sister.
"She'll be here, she's just gone home to change, look at you getting all excited"
"Mia this isn't a date"
"I know but you guys would really look cute together, think about it"
"This isn't one of those romance novels where the guy sweeps the girl off her feet"
"It could be. You the strong handsome male and Letty the female protagonist"
Dom laughed listening to his sister go on and on about his and Letty's possible love story.

After 10 minutes Letty came over to the garage. She wore a white wife beater with brown trousers and her hair tied up with some lose strands.

"There she is" Dom said as he walked towards her.
"Here I am"

He was shirtless and greasy which was a huge distraction to Letty. She had known he was buff and had a good body but damn this was a whole other level. She wasn't sure where to look at the cars or at Dom.

"Like what you see?" he asked.
"Excuse me?"
"I meant the cars"
" Oh..umm..yeah, the cars. The cars look great"
"And so do you" Dom muttered under his breath.
"Sorry, I didn't catch that"
"It's nothing. Shall we get started"
"That would be wise"

And so they began working on her car. They changed her tires first then her fuel injection and they replaced the piston rings that were fried and added some new NOS cans. At one point Letty had bent down and was revealing the waist band of her lacy red panties. Dom's eyes couldn't stop from trailing down there. He noticed her every curve and her every movement. He was really tempted to touch her but controlled himself.

Letty did know he was checking her out but she didn't mind. Maybe she wanted him to. She smiled to herself and continued fixing her car.

After her car was finished, they decided to chill and relax for a while.

"Thanks for helping me finish my car"

"It was my genuine pleasure"

The silence between them was deafening. They both wanted to say something to each other but they were afraid it would be weird. Then Dom decided to ask her something.

"Are you free this Friday night?"
"I should be"
" Me, my sister and Vince wanted to go for a movie this Friday and I guess you could come if you wanted to"
"That all depends"
"On what?"
"Someone has to buy me dinner after the movie"

Letty laughed. Dom never noticed that she had a beautiful smile. He was mesmerized by her.

"Friday night?"
"Friday night for sure"

hope you liked the chapter, this is just Dom and Letty figuring  out if they do like each other. Tell me your thoughts. and don't forget to vote, comment and follow!!!

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