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And here we say goodbye to Leven Rambin. :(

Final bit with the Tenth Apocalypse, and we get to meet the Eleventh Apocalypse! Enjoy!


"You all right?" Rose asked quietly as the Apocalypse hunched over, leaning against the console.

"I'm always all right," she hissed, piloting the TARDIS back into space.

"No, you're not," Jenny frowned.

The Apocalypse looked down at one of her hands, looking at the gold orange regeneration energy bleeding from her hand, much more volatile than when she had regenerated before. "I don't want to go," she admitted.

"We're right here," Rose promised.

The Apocalypse groaned. "Not a good idea!" she screamed, throwing her hands out.

Jenny, seeing the regeneration seem to explode from her, lunged forward and grabbed Rose, dragging them back as the Apocalypse regenerated, the massive amounts of energy from her body setting fires all over the place. Rose screamed as she dropped to the ground, covering her head and Jenny's, watching the console room of the TARDIS be set aflame.

All of a sudden, the regeneration stopped, and a different sounding yelp came from the console. "Legs!" she whooped, still sounding mostly American. "I've still got legs! Good! Ooo, same voice. Mostly." Rose slowly stood up, watching the Eleventh Apocalypse spin around the console. Her brown hair was a rat's nest, messed and tangly, skin fairer, and her eyes the color of melted chocolate. "Arms, hands," she checked. "Fingers, all ten of them. Ears, yes," she checked. "Eyes, two. Nose . . . " She shrugged when she checked. "Had worse. Chin. Eh. Hair," she checked, then made a face. "Rose, what conditioner do you use? I'm going to need it."

"Uh," Rose stammered.

"And I'm still not English!" she complained as Jenny gawked at her new mother, she and Rose looking at each other worriedly. "And something else," the Apocalypse snapped her fingers, walking around the console. "Something important. I'm . . . I'm . . . I'm . . . "


Rose shrieked as something on the console exploded, but the Apocalypse laughed. "Crashing!" she cheered.

"And that's good?" Jenny squeaked, hanging onto the console.

"You don't want to know what she did the Christmas she regenerated last!" Rose managed to say.

"Ha ha! Whoo hoo hoo!" the Apocalypse laughed hysterically, somehow still managing to mostly pilot the TARDIS as they tumbled about in space. "Ah!" They lurched forward, and Rose locked eyes with her new sister, who gave her a wild grin. "Geronimo, Rose Tyler!"

Despite the situation, Rose couldn't help but laugh, the Apocalypse's grin contagious.

This was going to be good!


Goodbye, Leven Rambin. :(

And hello, Natalie Portman! :D Judging by everyone's reactions when they asked me over PM, I think everyone agrees she's a nice choice. ;)

Anyway, we have a choice, people. I can either call this done and wait a whole new round . . . or I can go on ahead and do "The Eleventh Hour." Opinions, all?

Either way, to be continued in Book Six of "Apocalypse Rising!"

 ~ WB039

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