Children of Earth - Day Five

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A nod to my second favorite SibTP after Carose . . . Jalypsie! Fabulous banner made by DanielleRo for "Voyage of the Damned." They look so badass, it's just adorable. :)

Right, story time! Big finale, at last! It's Caly and the 1001st against Britain's army in a war to save the children of Earth. Who can be saved? Who cannot be saved? Who can send the 456 back home? And who isn't bloody terrified of the Time Lady Victorious? Warning: epicness and terrifying deeds done by said Time Lady Victorious here. Who's worse: the Time Lord Victorious or the Time Lady Victorious?

You decide. }:) Here's "Day Five!"


"Today, we're taking steps to safeguard your children," Green said on TV. "The schools are being opened again, and we urge all of you to send your children back to their classes straight away. Government representatives will be visiting certain schools to discuss a series of inoculations."

"What's inoculations?" David asked.

"Injections," Rhiannon answered, frowning as she watched.

"I don't want to go to school."

"You're not going, either," Rhiannon shook her head. "You're staying put, just like your Uncle Ianto said. Don't trust any of them."

"But the man said we got to go," Mica protested.

"And I know for a fact he's lying."

"These inoculations are to protect your children," Green continued. "These inoculations are safe. These inoculations will guarantee no repeat of the problems of the past four days."

"David, on your feet," Rhiannon said. "Go to the Baxters opposite, then go to Sally's, then go to Mrs. Singh. Tell 'em we'll have the kids, only free of charge."

"It's ten quid a kid!" Johnny protested.

"Shut it, you," Rhiannon snapped. "And run. Tell them my brother works for the government. He said it's not safe."

"Yes, Mum," David got to his feet and ran. After Ianto had called yesterday, Rhiannon had sat him down to tell him what Ianto really did. He wanted to help, just like his uncle did.


"So I ask of you now to cooperate, to send your children back to school, and to resume your lives as normal," Green continued.

"We'd better get ready for school, then," Lilly stood up.

"No, darling," Anna shook her head. "Your father said stay at home with me."

"Why? What's so different about us?"

Anna didn't answer. "And as ever, I thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your faith," Green finished his speech.


"We've isolated two hundred six thousand primary schools, sir," Riley entered COBRA, approaching Green.

"I'm sorry, but you'll address me in all matters concerning this operation," Pierce told her.

"This information is for Mr. Green," Riley retorted.

"You and Mr. Green and this government have proven yourselves incapable of handling this crisis. All decisions will now go through me." Riley gritted her teeth as Pierce sat. "You were saying?"

"We have two thousand six hundred primary schools listed here," she answered, handing over a file. "We're mobilizing transport. At twelve hundred hours, the British Army will take the children from their schools to the designated rendezvous points."

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