Children of Earth - Day Two

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And the AU-ness really begins. Those of you who have actually seen these episodes - I only have once - tell me if it's believable, please. So, sorry - no Jack in a box, or Ianto driving a concrete box off a cliff.

And I call uncle. I'll start giving out hints for the next Apocalypse at the end of this chapter. 263 (but can we still get over 300, pretty please?).

Thankfully, it's a shorter chapter! Torchwood's on the run, Johnson's following them, and the Apocalypse can be very persuasive. }:)

Enjoy "Day Two!"


"We are coming back?" the Apocalypse repeated, raising an eyebrow and looking at Jack. "What's going on?"

"We have no idea," Jack shook his head. "Gwen saw it first, this morning. It's been happening ever since."

"Details," the Apocalypse looked at Gwen. "Whatever you got."

"It started during the school run this morning," Gwen answered. "The next time happened during the break hour. And now this time."

"OK," the Apocalypse scratched her head. "So children all over the world are stopping and saying we are coming back, and we have no idea why . . . " She narrowed her eyes. "And Jack, why the hell is Torchwood about to be stormed by the government?"

"What?" Tosh ran to check another monitor.

Sure enough, a very stern woman was approaching Torchwood, other soldiers behind her, tanks unloading in the Plass. "Wonderful," Jack groaned.

"Did they put the bomb in you?" Rose asked Jack, stunned.

"Maybe they got into the hospital?" Owen suggested.

"Well, either way, they can't get in here," Jack shook his head. "What we have, in government hands?"

"Then we get rid of them," the Apocalypse shrugged.

"There's tons of them and only eight of us," Ianto reminded her.

The Apocalypse smirked. "I'll be very persuasive," she turned on her heel and headed up the stairs without further ado.

They all watched them go, then Owen grinned. "Does anyone have popcorn?" he asked.


The Apocalypse strutted out of the Hub like she owned it. "Hello!" she called to the agent walking towards her, pausing when she saw her stop as well and draw her gun. "Well, that's a nice way to say hello," she whined as innocently as she could. "Pull a gun on me? I hate guns."

"Who are you?" the woman snapped.

"What's the magic word?" the Apocalypse rocked back and forth on her heels, scanning the top of buildings nearby, tilting her head when she saw snipers aiming towards her.

The woman growled. "Will you please tell me who you are?" she ground out.

"There we are," she smiled encouragingly. "Caly Saxon-Tyler." She examined her nails as the woman frowned, trying to match the name. "Or . . . Calypsie Harkness." The woman stiffened, clenching her gun tighter. "Oh, that got a reaction," she put her hands on her hips, glaring at her. "I'm going to assume you're the one who planted a bomb inside my brother's stomach while he was dead?"

"Stand aside," the woman ordered.

"Oh, but I gave you my name!" the Apocalypse's smile was back. "Come on, fair enough, isn't it? I tell you my name, you tell me yours."

She curled her lip. "Johnson."

"See? Was that so hard?"

"Move aside," Johnson ordered.

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