Interview With CoffeeNcigarettes

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1.) What inspired you to write?

I have always loved to read, so that had a huge part of it. I read so much and these worlds and ideas build up in my head and I just have to let them out. Its been one of my escapes sine I was little.

2.) What kind of things do you draw inspiration from when writing? 

Setting is a huge one. Usually a really unique or interesting idea or setting that gets me thinking. When I'm thinking deeply, that's where the ideas are made.

3.) What is your favorite book (or) books on Wattpad?

I haven't read much on here. I loved the vampire stories on here a few years ago. I was allllll over them LOL. Clandestine is one of my favs at the moment.

4.) What was the first book you ever read on Wattpad?

I don't remember! It was most likely a vampire romance. I was friends with XXskater2girl16xx on quizilla, and when she moved her stories I sort of followed.

5.) Do you plan your chapters before you write them or do the ideas for the chapters come to you as you write them?

I plan the chapters, at least the general direction I want them to go. It sucks all the fun out of it if you know *exactly* what to write! Sometimes they do take a crazy imaginative twist I didn't plan.

6.) What is your biggest accomplishment on Wattpad?

I have almost 3,000 reads combined on Epitome of an Underdog and Red Rose. That isn't what I'm most proud of though. My writing have improved so much over the months, and that's what I'm really happy about. Although all those reads are amazing.

7.) Which one of your fictional characters can you most identify with and why?

That's so hard! They all go through such craziness, its hard to identify myswlef to just one. Each and every character has a little bit of me in them, no matter how small. I think it would probably by CHarlotte though. I see a lot of myself in her, even though we really are different people. (Well, I'm a person. I'm not so sure about her.)

8.) What is your favorite book you have written so far? And why?

Epitome of an Underdog for sure. The writing is my best, and the whole plot and story line is completely different from anything I've ever written. I've really pushed myself and imagination with it.

 9.) Any advice to new writers?

 Oh gosh, just stick with it. No one gets all those votes and reads easily. Don't ever be discouraged. Your writing can grow and change in a matter of weeks.

10.) How did you come across Wattpad?

 As I mentioned above, I was friends with a bunch of writers from Quizilla. We read eachothers stuff and whatnot, and when everyone began switching I did too. I came here around 2010ish, although I never bothered to make an account till now.

11.) What writer, Wattpad and/or published, do you admire the most?

I LOVE Ellen Hopkins. Her writing is so incredible. I don't even know how she does it. Impulse is probably one of top 5 fav stories ever.

12.) What is your favorite color?

It changes everday. Green, purple, orange. I have commitment issues, ok.

13.) Comfort food?

I really love mac and cheese. And mashes potatoes. I guess those arnt comfort foods. When I'm really sad, I like to make tea. Or potato chips.

 14.) Your favorite quote?

"There is a hell, believe me I've seen it. There is a heaven, lets keep it a secret."

One of the most real things I've ever heard, because its so true.

 15.) Favorite movie?

Oh gosh, I have so many! I love the 80s movies, and the terrible horror movies that only cost like 50 grand to make.

16.) What is one random thing about yourself you’d like to share?

I'm vegetarian. Is that random enough?

 Finish this sentence (just for fun):

That awkward moment when… you can't think of an awkward situation to write about.

Thanks a bundle for the interview!!

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