August 5,1882

453 20 3

Chapter 2


Irozaki Household. Farmers.

2:06 p.m.

 "Ryo! Where have you been?!" Mrs. Irozaki glared at Ryo, who was standing outside her door with Mrs. Shiori.

"That is a bad way to greet your own child, Ino. She told me you hit her!" Mrs. Shiori narrowed her eyebrows.

Mrs. Irozaki glared at Mrs. Shiori. "That is none of your business!"

"It is now! Ryo was in my house when I got back. She said she didn't want to go home!"

"She ran away. It's not my fault. She wasn't behaving so I gave her what she deserved."

Mrs. Shiori glared. "If that's how you treat your own daughter, then I will take her from you."

"No! She is MY child! You have no authority over her!" Mrs. Irozaki grabbed Ryo's arm and started pulling her into the house.

Ryo shut her eyes and screamed.

The force of the pulling was gone. Ryo opened her eyes and saw a hoodied figure with a box around her neck.

"Are you Ryo Irozaki?" asked the hoodied figure.

Ryo nodded her head. "Who are you?"

"I am the person you have summoned. You wanted to kill your mother?"

Ryo looked at her right to find her mother still there, frozen in place with her angry expression. Ryo remembered the times her mother had hit her.

"Yes. She always hits me and yells at me. I hate her. I want her to die!"

The hoodied figure lifted the box off her head and held it infront of Ryo.

"Take this. Press the button when the person you want to kill is right infront of you. After pressing the button, I will take your mother's soul and send her to Hell.

Ryo reached out for the box but the hoodied figure held it back.

"There's a catch."

Ryo looked at the hoodied figure with confusion.

"Once you press the button, you will be marked with my symbol. That symbol will remind your soul that when you die, you will be sent to Hell to suffer for all eternity."

The hoodied figure disappeared, and the box was placed around Ryo's neck.

A second after, the pulling of Ryo's arm began again as the two mothers were still arguing.

"Fine! I'll give her back to you. Just don't hit her one more time, or I'll get the whole village after you!" yelled Mrs. Shiori, letting go of Ryo.

Mrs. Shiori placed her hand on Ryo's shoulder. "Now, Ryo. If you need any kind of help, please don't hesitate and come to me? Okay?"

Ryo didn't have time to respond as she got pulled away back to her house, where she got scolded again for running away and for embarassing her mother.

"Don't you dare run away again or I'll sell you to the black market! Now go to your room!" 

Ryo staggered to her room, tears welling up in her eyes. She curled up into a ball under her blanket and fell asleep.

She awoke by the sound of yelling outside her door.

"Ino! Stop this! She's only a child!"

"Jiro! She should be punished! She's a forsaken child. All she does is bring up trouble."

"Do you hear yourself, Ino? You're her mother and this is what you say?"

"Why don't you take care of her for a change?"

"I will."

Ryo silently cried as she held the box tightly around her hand.

Ryo awoke as the sun hit her eyes. She opened her window wider to smell the fresh air outside.

"Ryo. Time for school," said Mr. Irozaki.

"Dad! You're home! Don't you have work today?"

Mr. Irozaki hugged his daughter. "No. I want spend some time with you."

They walked to Ryo's school together. Ryo was happy to spend time with her father. She's also happy that she hasn't seen her mother so far.

Mr. Irozaki stayed with Ryo through the whole school time. Helping her with drawing, singing, and other activities the teacher instructed.

"Let's do this again tomorrow!"

Ryo's dad laughed. "Sure."

When they got home, they were met by an angry woman whose face was red with rage.

"I-Ino? What's wrong?" asked Ryo's dad.

"What's wrong with me? Do you mean what's wrong with you? I've heard from your work pals that you've been ditching us to go to their houses to eat and have fun?"

"I-I can explain!"

"That's not all, too! I also heard you slept with another woman!" 

Mr. Irozaki's eyes widened. "Wh-"

Mrs. Irozaki started walking toward her husband, holding a knife. "You'll pay!" 

Ryo's dad covered himself with his arms. Mrs. Irozaki cut through his hands, making it fall to the ground. Mr. Irozaki howled with pain as Mrs. Irozaki stabbed him on the chest. He collapsed on the dirt, his hands lay next to him as he bled.


"You're next, Ryo."

"N-No!" Ryo stepped back and started running toward Suzu's house. She could hear her mother's footsteps stomping behind her.

"Come back here, Ryo!" yelled Mrs. Irozaki.

Ryo screamed. When she was halfway there, she tripped on her own foot and fell to the dusty ground.

"I got you now, Ryo!"

Ryo turned around in panic and pressed the button without thinking. It sent a flash and made Ryo close her eyes. When Ryo opened them, she didn't see her mother anywhere.

"M-Mother?" Ryo got up and looked around, frightened that she might jump out at her. After running a few more steps to Suzu's house, Ryo confirmed that her mother was really gone.

Ryo reached toward her neck. The box had also disappeared. Though the box was gone, there was a picture on her hand. It was a picture of her mother carrying a knife with her eyes filled with anger.

She went inside Suzu's house and cried. So much things were happening to her. Her head throbbed.

Mrs. Shiori came in. "Ryo! What's wrong?"

"F-Father's dead. A-A-And m-mother."

Mrs. Shiori bolted up and ran out the door. "Suzu! Help Ryo!"

"Ryo? Ryo! What are you doing here?"

Ryo was too tired to answer, so she just followed Suzu into the bathroom for a warm bath.

"Here, I'll tie your hair up." Suzu put her friend's hair into a ponytail. "Hey, what's that behind your neck?"


After a few years, everything about Ryo's past vanished. Suzu and Ryo were still best friends and became teachers in their old school.

No one ever found out what happened to Mrs. Irozaki. She just disappeared. Ryo still kept the picture of her mother though.


The Hell Gate will be waiting for the name Ryo Irozaki.

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