The Prince's Maid.

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Chapter One

"Andrea?" I heard my name being called, the Lady's voice clear and familiar. I stopped washing the dishes and immediately rushed to her service in the hallway.

"Yes, Ma'am?" after curtsying and bowing my head, I stood straight, my hands folded behind my back, and awaited for her order.

"Malorie needs help in the cellar cleaning the floor. Someone spilled wine there and is almost impossible to remove. She needs another pair of hands to assist her."

"Of course, Ma'am," I curtsied again.

The Lady must always walk away first, so I stood, once again with my hands folded neatly behind my back. She turned on her heels and walked into her parlour, where she would do her own little jobs, all of which were not any of our business.

I turned around, picking up my skirts and went into the kitchen, where I would find a spare rag and mop if it was needed. I filled up another bucket of water, and carried all of it down to the cellar, where I could see poor Malorie was hard at work.

"Ah, Andrea, thank you so much for your help. This just isn't coming off!" she complained, sitting back on her heels and throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"It is no problem, of course. The Lady called me to help you. It saved me from cleaning the dishes at least; they had pork last night," I informed her, getting down on my hands and needs, my damp rag already in my hand.

Malorie cringed. "They always seem so messy whenever they have pork. I don't know why that is." she shook her head and continued to scrub the floor. I did the same.

The floor took us three hours to clean, and our backs were aching by the end of it, but the stone floors were now clean; almost shiny. We picked ourselves and our rags off the floor, along with the bucket filled with now-dirty water and carried it back up to the kitchen. Our backs resisted against our demands to stand straight, but it hurt too much, so we ended up walking like a miserable hunchback. I knew they would be fine in the morning, if a little achy, but that was something maids like us got used to.

The dirty water was poured down the drain, the mop was placed back into the closet just off the kitchen and the rag was quickly rinsed and placed on the small washing line outside to dry.

Walking back into the kitchen and wiping my wet hands on my pinny, I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw it was already 9 o'clock; time for me to get to bed. I was always up at 5 in the morning, so an early night was always needed.

Such a time in the morning was necessary, as I am allowed 30 minutes to relax and wake up, having my luxury item of a cup of sweet tea before getting to work. At 5:30, I was to go feed the horses and clean out their hay if it was needed, and it almost always was. Then, at 6:00, I would go around and tidy the spare bedrooms and the bathrooms, changing towels, sheets and polishing any furniture that needed it. At 7:00, I would make toast and pour orange juice for the Lord and Lady, take it up to them, where I wake them and let them eat in breakfast, handing them both the book of their choice. From then on, I would do any chores that the Lord or Lady required me to do. The one thing I did every day after this was take away their breakfast things.

There were only three maids here, Malorie, Elizabeth and myself. I was the one that seemed to get the most chores, but I knew that theothers also had many to do, but what time they woke up or went to bed, I did not care to know. If it is not my business, then it is not my place to ask. So I shall not.

I changed from my maid clothing into my full length nightgown, the long sleeves puffing out at the elbows. It wasn't the most elegant thing, but neither is anything I ever wear. But it was comfortable, I must add. I folded over my clothes and put them at the end of my bed, as I could wear them tomorrow, and climbed into bed, pulling the thin covers over me. It was thin, but these rooms were heated, so thick duvets weren't needed.

Leaning back against the soft pillows, I felt the abused muscles in my back relax slightly, and tried not to jostle them too much. I lay on my back, thinking it through that it would keep it straight, and hopefully rid of the aching in my back.

Moving only to sit back up, I gently blew out the candle on my bedside table, I was still careful to move with care. After being plunged into a relaxing darkness, I slowly lay back down and once more, let all thoughts disperse and the muscles in my back un-tense.

I fell asleep almost instantly, but I knew that only too soon would I be waking up to do my daily chores. It wasn't something I particularly minded, but when it caused much aching, the thought of wanting beauty and wealth becomes stronger, almost into an itch that won't go; you dream of a glamourous life and wonder if you will ever get it.

But I knew that it would be an awfully long time until that ever happened to myself.

I know it isn't much but it gives you an idea of what Andrea's daily routine and everything is. I'm sorry if it's a little short, and hopefully the others will be longer. By the way, Andrea's name is pronounced On-dray-a, emphasis on the 'dray'. I prefer that to An-dree-a. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, please vote, comment and fan if you did(: ♥

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