the young and foolish // james cassells

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My alarm rang out, groaning, I reached for my phone, turning off the alarm. I pulled myself out of bed and adventured to the bathroom. After showering and doing my make-up I ran to my room and rummaged through my draws. Pulling on my underwear I grabbed my grey ripped jeans and pulled them on.

"Liz where's my Motley Crue top?" I shouted from my room to my older sister.

"In my room, go grab it!" She shouted back. I ran to her room and grabbed my top off the bed, pulling it over my head I skipped out the room and returned to my room.

"Hurry your arse up Belle, we're gonna be late!" Liz shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed and pulled on my Doctor Martins and leather jacket. "I've got your bag now hurry up!" She yelled her voice sounding agitated. I ran down the stairs to be greeted by my sister and her slutty friends. I took my bag of Liz and gave her a disappointed look. She rolled her eyes and walked out the door.

"Why do you dress like that?" One of Liz's friends asked pulling out my earphones. I groaned and looked at her.

"Because I want to" I replied putting my earphones back in.

"Stupid emo" She muttered.

We finally arrived at school, I jumped out the car escaping Liz&her friends and walked into the building.

"Belle!" I heard Minnie shout from behind me. I turned around and was engulfed in a hug.

"Where have you been? You've been off school for two weeks!" She smiled as she pulled out of the hug. Her lip ring glistening in the light.

"Avoiding James" I mumbled playing with my red hair. She tilted her head back and groaned.

"That's really why you didn't come in? Belle you need to tell him to fuck off!" She almost shouted while gripping my shoulders with her hands. I nodded and turned to my locker, grabbing my books. I closed my locker and looked for Minnie. Great. She wondered off. The bell rang out through the school which sent everyone into a frenzy trying to get to lesson.

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked as i walked down the corridor,

"Yeah there's this thing called a lesson which you go to so you can learn!" I said sarcastically spinning around to face the voice. I looked at him, anger starting to flow through my veins. A devilish grin plastered across his face, "No need to be rude now is there?" He said walking towards me.

"What do you want James?" I spat looking in his eyes.

"Nothing but just be careful what you say to me Belle, i know stuff" He whispered into my ear before walking to class.


"Okay Minnie you'll be working with Zachary and Belle you'll be working with James!" Mr Laine said clapping his hands. I groaned and looked at James, his lips formed into a grin. The bell rang and we were dismissed. "Isabelle wait up!" James shouted running after me and Minnie. I groaned and spun around to face him. 

"Come over to mine tonight so we can get this project over with okay?" James said before knocking his shoulder into mine as he walked off. I felt my cheeks heat up, i tilted my head and looked at Minnie who was smiling like an idiot.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You like him!" Minnie squealed, a squeal that could most likey deafen the whole of our year group. I rolled my eyes and walked in the opposite direction.

the young and foolish // james cassellsWhere stories live. Discover now