The Search Begins

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Eren's Pov:

~ A few hours later ~

"Mikasa, the horses should be well rested by now, let's start heading out." I told her, standing up and walking over to my horse.

W e had been resting for hours. Hours that we could have spent looking for Armin, but I could see Mikasa's point. Earlier we had run the horses to the ground. They couldn't have carried on much further without collapsing.

"Eren, I know your concerned and everything. but we Will find him. I promise you that." Mikasa said determinedly, a light in her eyes as she stood up and mounted her horse.

I quickly mounted my horse and turned it around to face the way the Female Titan had headed with Armin, before setting off at a quick trot. Mikasa quickly followed an set off at a quick trot after me.

"So, where do you think she would have taken him?" I asked her, looking at her.

Mikasa's hair had fallen over art of her face, so she moved it a bit so she could see clearly without her hair being in the way.

"I don't know Eren, but what I'm thinking is why did she take Armin? Why didn't she chase after one of us two? Seems a bit strange if you ask me." She said, thoughts seeming to swirl in her eyes.

I thought about this for a moment before replying to her, her thoughts seeming to make sense in my mind.

"True" I agreed with her, before turning back to look at the horizon, thinking only one thought as we rode out in search of our lost friend.

'Where are you Armin?'

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