The Chase

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Mikasa's Pov:

"Run!" I shouted, turning my panicking house around and started fleeing towards where the gate was.

"Armin! Just go!" Eren shouted to him as Eren turned his horse around, bumping into Armin as he turned to start running after me.

Armin nodded at him and turned his horse around to start running the way I was heading.

Eren had quickly caught up to where I was, I couldn't see the wall yet, but I knew the area. We weren't too far out. Most of the morning had basically been us going the whole way around the wall for fun, before going out a little.

"Where's Armin?" I shouted to Eren, who quickly started to turn around to look for him, before getting interrupted by a flying boulder.

I turned around and looked at Annie, who was still in Titan form. She had another slightly smaller boulder in her left hand, her right hand being free after just throwing the boulder at us.

"Mikasa! Follow me!" Eren shouted to me, before steering off to the right towards some dense bushes and trees.

I nodded, looking over my shoulder at the Female Titan who was still running after us. I quickly spotted Armin whilst I was looking at Annie.

Armin was closer to the Titan than I had originally thought, being close to her larger pounding feet.

"Armin!" I yelled, as Annie's giant feet nearly squashed him flat as she had placed it close to him.

"Just go Mikasa! I'll catch up!" He screamed at me, turning around on his horse and heading straight through her tall legs. Annie quickly turned on the spot and started running the other way.

Straight after Armin.

I turned and looked desperately at Eren as he turned and noticed what his friend was doing. Armin was trying to lead her away whilst we got behind her.

Eren and I exchanged a quick glance, before turning both our horses towards her and, side by side, started to race towards her.

The Female Titan glanced over her shoulder as she closed in on Armin, looking behind her to see that we were following her, our blades in our hands.

'Lucky we took our gear with us today' I thought, trying to get my horse to go faster as she was slowing down, obviously getting tired from the long run.

Eren's horse was starting to do the same as mine, they were getting tired from the long fast run.

The Titan suddenly started leaning down, an outstretched hand going towards Armin, who was frantically trying to get his horse to speed up so he wasn't caught.

But however hard he tired, it would never had worked, because unfortunately for him, his horse was already exhausted from going around the wall earlier.

The Titan leant down further and, with an open hand, snatched up Armin.

Armin screamed as his horse buckled beneath him as the Titans hand closed around him, and she put him close to her chest and, without even glancing back, sped up with incredible speed.

Even with horses with full stamina at the time, we wouldn't have been able to catch her.

"Armin!" Eren screamed, disbelief in his eyes as he watched the Female Titan carry his best friend away.

"Eren!" I shouted, getting my horse to use the last of its speed for now to catch up with him and grab his horses reigns so it slowed to a stop.

Eren quickly turned and started on me. "What to hell Mikasa? We have to get after them!" Eren yelled at me, anger and upset in his eyes.

"Eren, calm down. I know your angry, and I know your upset, but we need to give the horses a break. We can get after them as soon as they've rested." I told him sternly, trying to keep my own emotions down.

The anger in Eren's eyes seemed to go down as I spoke calmly to him. It seemed to calm him down, as well as myself.

Eren nodded and dismounted his horse, before beginning to lead it slowly to a small shady area with a small pond and long green grass.

I watched him walk over whilst I dismounted my own horse and looked to the horizon where Annie had taken Armin.

'We'll find you Armin. I promise.'

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