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Claire woke to the soft hum of the television, and the smell of disinfectant.

Her eyes felt heavy and stung whenever she let them move underneath her eyelids. Her head felt like it had been run over with a truck, and it felt like an alien baby had ripped its way out of her stomach.  

A jolt of sudden shock ran through Claire’s body, causing her to feel cold and sweaty all over.

Claire tried to move her hands down, but she couldn’t find the strength.

Painfully and slowly, she forced her eyes open.

Shane was asleep in one of the chairs in the far corner. His head hung to an angle that Claire thought wouldn’t be comfortable, at all.

His skin was still pale, but it had gained some colour.

Dark stubble was patterned around his jaw; he still hadn’t found the time to shave.

Claire took in a breath and looked up, her eyes fixing on an old television programme that her mum would have watched on lazy Sunday afternoons.

She cleared her throat, her mouth feeling like cotton.

She could really use a drink.

Shane jerked up, and his dark eyes immediately searched Claire. He smiled weakly, almost as if he were trying to hard.

  “Hey,” Shane softly as he pushed himself out of the chair, his bones creaking in protest. “You’re finally up?”

“How long have I been in here?” Claire asked, and her voice sounded sore and throaty. It hurt to speak, Claire realised, and she cleared her throat again.

  “A week at the least,” he admitted and smoothed back hair from her face when she looked up at him with wide eyes.

  “But – What happened – Naomi –“

  “I’m not going to lie, past week has been hell.”

  “She’s in town?” 

  “No,” Shane licked his bottom lip and reached back for the chair, pulling it besides Claire’s bed so he could sit. “She was spotted outside a few times. Hospital has been on lock down ever since you got in here.”

Claire’s eyes closed again, and she finally jolted back awake. Shane was there to comfort her, and he took her hand so she could squeeze when she needed to.

  “Where are Michael, and Eve?”

  “Eve went out to get something other than hospital food to eat,” Shane hesitated for a few seconds and swallowed. “And you know Michael. Vamp stuff.”

 Claire nodded, and the feeling of throbbing in her head started to make her feel queasy. She gently squeezed Shane’s hand, gaining her strength.

She let go, and Shane watched her carefully; examining her every move.

Her hand moved over her stomach, and she looked up at her boyfriend.

  “Shane –”

  “Claire, I am so sorry.” Wetness came to Claire’s eyes, and she moved her hand from the fresh scar on her stomach. Her hands went over her eyes. She didn’t want Shane to see her cry. “It’s alright.” Shane was trying to comfort her, but she could hear the strain in her voice. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “She killed our baby!” Claire cried, her voice uneven from her sobs. “How is that okay in any way?” Shane didn’t answer. Maybe he couldn’t. He bit his bottom lip, and when Claire looked hard enough, she could see the slight quiver. She sniffed, her tears just under control. “Where –?”

Silent Dusk [Sequel to New Horizon]Where stories live. Discover now