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Claire sat back against the hard, wet wall and she held a hand to her stomach as the fluids inside continued to churn. It rumbled loudly, and she was hoping that Myrnin would pick up on how hungry she was. A week without anyone to talk to and no hygiene facilities - at all - had started to drive her crazy.

She picked at the dirty bandage around her wrist that Myrnin had chucked at her.

"Hurry up and mend to your wound before I eat you," Myrnin had said to her. Claire rolled her eyes and forced herself to look away from the torn cloth that was seeping with dark red liquid.

She took in a deep breath, but the air tickled and felt sharp against the inside of her throat. She coughed and lent forward, her hand moving over her mouth.

She felt the acids in her stomach bubble and seethe, and the feeling of shivers washed over her body. Claire clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tightly. Not going to vomit. Not going to vomit.

She swallowed back a lump in her throat and held back a gag. She ran her hands through her hair and let her head fall back against the wall.

"Myrnin?" She sobbed.

"Stop whining, girl," Myrnin snapped from somewhere in the darkness. Claire bit her trembling bottom lip, and she moved further into the dim light that the flickering candle provided.

"I'm starving!"

"You ate less then ten minutes ago," he replied dryly. "You humans and you're undying hunger to fattening foods."

"At least we aren't tearing a part flesh and drinking their blood until there's nothing left."

"No. You breed livestock and shoot them down to package them in supermarkets."

Claire went quiet for a few long seconds, and her stomach rumbled again. She pressed her hand harder and let out a large sigh. Something dropped by her foot, and it let out a wet slap as it hit the hard ground. Claire cautiously reached out, and she squeaked when her fingers brushed against something gummy and moist.

"What the hell is that?" She cried and tried grabbing it without the wet stuff in her nails.

"Meat. The same as a burger."

Claire managed to pull the meat towards her, and she held back a gag as she saw it. The meat was raw and red and oozing with blood. It was nothing new - she had seen way worse.

Hell, she'd cooked with worse. But the smell of the meat made it's way into Claire's nostrils, and she couldn't help the feeling swirling in her stomach. She kicked the meat away and she turned to the side, gagging and feeling the lump in her throat make its way up.

She dry-retched for at least a minute before she finally managed to barf something up. She coughed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"What a waste," Myrnin sighed and he was standing at her side. He blinked blankly at her, and raised an eyebrow as he watched her vomit again.

"A waste of vomit?" Claire coughed and spat.

"Goodness no. Vomit is disgusting. That meat is a waste. I could have given it to Bob. He would have enjoyed it."

"So you still care about Bob?" Claire swallowed, and she felt something hard in her throat. She held back another choking gag as she took deep breaths. "That means you're not completely emotionless."

Silent Dusk [Sequel to New Horizon]Where stories live. Discover now