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Claire squinted her eyes tighter and pulled the blankets over her face. 

The way her bed was positioned to face the rising sun was the most annoying thing she had ever thought possible, and she needed to ask Michael or even Shane to move the bed around for her.

She stretched her legs out, and savoured in the touch of the wool sheets grazing against her legs. 

Claire stretched and let out a yawn as she rolled onto her side to stare at the empty space beside her.

She sighed as she stared at the neat, and undisturbed side of the bed. 

The one day Claire got a day off both school and work was the day that all three of her housemates would have to go to work. It was typical. It was almost as if Amelie and her professors had gotten together just to ruin Claire's day.

She sighed and slowly let herself roll out of the bed. Her feet touched the floor and she stretched out her back, glancing at the wooden clock on the wall. It wasn't even half-past ten, and she had a whole day to waste. She sighed as she pushed herself off the bed and slowly trekked down the hall. Claire ran her hands on the timber wall and slowly stepped down the stairs.

She pressed her hand to the voicemail button as she passed it and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Hey beautiful," Shane's gentle voice said through the phone, and Claire smiled as she sipped on her coffee. She felt warm inside, and it wasn't from the hot drink. "Sorry I skipped last night. You crashed on the sofa, and I didn't want to wake you when I got up in the morning. So don't panic, I didn't go out and stake a vampire or anything." There was a man calling Shane's name on the other side of the line, and Claire leant against the bench as she waited for the message to get back to Shane. "Shut up! I'm on the phone!" Shane yelled back, and it sounded like he was holding the mobile away from his mouth. "Sorry Claire. That's my dick of a boss." Claire rolled her eyes and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Listen, don't make any plans tonight. I'm taking you out, remember? I made a promise, and if I didn't Eve would kick my arse anyway." He laughed slightly and took in a deep breath as if he were nervous. "I've got a surprise for you, so I'll see you around four? Love you."

Claire smiled faintly as the call ended and she bit her bottom lip as she turned to face the sink.

"CB!" Claire jumped at the next voicemail. This one from Eve. "Wakey, wakey! I know you can hear me! No? Maybe you're still asleep, okay. That's cool. Sorry then. Anyway, can you stop by the grocery store today? I was going to go after work, but I'm taking Holly's shift." Eve sighed and it sounded like she had closed her car door. "I've got a list on the bench. Thanks CB. ILY!"

The voicemail ended and a high-pitched beep sound to inform her that all the voicemail's had been listened to. With a sigh, Claire rinsed out the empty mug and placed it in the sink before reaching over for the list Eve had written out.

Claire had to squint to read the writing that glittered the colour of blood, and she wasn't sure what some of the letters were. She was almost certain that she read bread, and milk. Okay, she understood two things. 

Claire looked down at the slip of paper as she moved to the bathroom, and she kicked the door closed behind her without a glance. What was that word? Fona..? Fomato..? Oh! Tomato!

Claire rolled her eyes and chucked the paper on the bathroom counter and turned on the shower.

She really needed to educate Eve and her handwriting.

The supermarket smelt of fresh produce and packaged meats.

It was still fairy early in the morning, and the only shoppers were old women and men pushing around their shopping carts and getting their shopping out of the way before the afternoon hit.

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