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"I'm going to stake his ass," Shane was saying to himself, his voice loud and angry. I winced slightly, and tried not to press the bloodstained cloth to hard to his head. "Shove a silver and garlic bomb down his throat and rip his -"

"Shane, sweetie," I interrupted before he could carry on with his painful and downright disturbing torture plans. "Could we continue this another time? We're kind of going through a crisis here, and your twisted threats are not helping.

Shane mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't catch it. He pulled away, grabbing the bloody cloth and pressing it to his head as he paced. I looked away, twirling the phone cord around my fingers as I tapped my foot impatiently against the tile floor. The house was silent, and the tension was so thick I could have sliced a knife through it. 

"Come on, Michael," I whispered under my breath. "Pick up."

"Where is he?" Shane asked, his voice rough and coarse. It was obvious that he had been hurt, and the side of his head wouldn't stop bleeding. 

"I don't know," I tried for a reassuring smile, but Shane saw straight through it. He turned and I saw him close his eyes tightly as he took in a deep breath. Shane yelled and he kicked the wall, sending a thundering vibration throughout the entire kitchen. The mortar cracked and crumbled to the floor. Shane cursed under his breath and bent down to clean it up. "What happened Shane?" I asked quietly. 

"I told you what happened," he walked past me and dumped the remains of the now broken wall in the bin. He leant against the sink, looking out the window. "I knew that I shouldn't have let my guard down. It was one second, and then she was gone. He took her, again. He took her, Eve!"

"Shane, we'll get her back. This is Myrnin, he wouldn't lay a abusive hand on her."

"You didn't see what I saw, Eve," Shane was shaking his head now. "You know Myrnin. He's crazy and unstable, but this Myrnin... This Myrnin was just, empty." 

I blinked and looked down, not able to meet his eyes. We'd seen zombie Myrnin; we all had. 

There had been a time when Claire had made a mistake when she was fixing the machine that controlled Morganville's borders, and we all forgot the past three years of our lives. That included Myrnin. And Myrnin three years ago; wasn't so nice.

He was cruel and blank and savage, and I couldn't stand it if Claire was stuck with that same Myrnin. I just couldn't. 

The front door opened and closed and both of our eyes moved to the kitchen door. Michael froze and glanced between me and Shane. He started to slowly walk towards the kitchen table.

"What's going on?" He asked. 

"You don't know?" Shane immediately blurted. "You actually don't know what's going on?"

Michael looked to me, and I saw the brief flash of guilt in his eyes before he hid it again.

“Where have you been?” I demanded. “I’ve been trying to call you for an hour!”

“Sorry, I..” Michael patted his jeans as if he had to prove a point. “I didn’t have my phone on me.” Shane swore from the corner he was standing in, and he was rubbing his hands across his face in infuriation and stress. Michael watched him, but he didn’t say a word. There was that shine in his eyes that told me that he knew something.

Secrets. Again. I felt something inside of me sink, and I couldn’t bring my eyes away from Michael. He glanced at me, and once he understood that I was staring at him he looked away again. It took me a short few seconds to realise that he had never answered my question. Asshole. 

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