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"Shit!" I screamed. "Shit, shit shit!"

"You're not helping!" Eve yelled at the doctor and tried to pull his arm away.

"Eve, leave him," Michael growled and grabbed her wrist, yanking her away from my body. "They know what they're doing."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Doc, what the hell are you doing?"

Dr Theo Goldman was a vampire, a vampire that I was actually comfortable with.

He didn't attack humans, and he was a decent vampire that had helped us through a lot of tough times.

I was actually kind of glad it was him performing the operation instead of one of the other human doctors. It would have been freaking awkward explaining to them that a demon dog had jumped me while I was trying to be a macho man and protect my best friends girl.

"Disinfecting the bite," Theo sounded perfectly calm and he continued to rub some type of alcohol onto my bleeding wound. "What did you say bit you?"

"Demon dog," I said, trying to sound casual. It came out as a pain filled grunt and I bit down on my bottom lip, drawing blood from the pressure. "You should have seen it, doc. It was crazy. It was freaking huge, and it's eyes were crazy and you should have seen the teeth on that thing!"

Theo glanced up at Michael and back down as he reached for a needle and thread. I eyed it cautisly and looked away when he started to poke it through my flesh.

"Where did it come from?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Hell if I know," I tried to shrug, but the pain in my arm made me wince. "It was after Eve."

"You have a thing against dogs, Eve?" Theo smiled slightly.

"You call that thing a dog?" Eve raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "That was no damn dog. It was demon spawn from hell."

"Only you would know that," I grinned.

"Oh, bite me dick."

"Bathe in some garlic and I might just consider it."

"Cut it out," Michael sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was looking down at his mobile now, frowning. "Search party. I'm out."

"Wait, what? Search party for what?" I blurted.


"Bullshit. I'm coming."

"Sorry man. Fangs only."

"Bite me."

"Not my blood type."

"Oh, Michael," Eve shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Both of you cut it out. Michael, get out of here, and Shane.. Just shut up."

"Thanks for the back-up," I mumbled and tried sitting up, but a sharp pain shot up my arm. I winced and let out a groan. "I want to find Claire."

"We'll find her," Michael reassured. "But you're no help in this condition. You'll only slow us down."

"Michael is right, Shane," Theo said. He had been mostly silent for a while, and I jumped when he spoke up. "Give it a day at the least. Wait here until we can get your wound treated."

"Doc, you don't understand-"

"Shane. Doctors orders."

I sighed and fell back against the back, looking up at the dull ceiling.

"This is bullshit."


"What happened?"

"The hell hound went after her, I swear!"

"Then why isn't Eve Glass dead?"

"It was Claire's boyfriend, Shane. He was with her, and he jumped in."

"Fool. Can't you do anything right?"

"We'll send another hound in. This one has a higher I.Q, and he's male."

"I don't want another stupid dog to do my work! Eve Glass's throat isn't in my grasp!"

"The hound bit Shane."

"He's infected?"

"We can't be sure. We need to give it twenty-four hours. He'll either be dead or-"

"Idiot! How could you let him be bit? If he survives, you know what will happen."

"We can send a hound. Finish him off."

"No, that won't fix what you have ruined. Naomi will not be pleased."

"You.. You won't tell her, will you?"

"Kill the Collins boy yourself. If you succeed, then I will not utter a word."

"But he was bitten. If we kill him -"

"I know what death brings to the infected. It will ruin him."

"You said you were going after Eve."

"Dear, I still am. But now, if the infection does run through little Shane Collins, I can get him to do my work for me."

Silent Dusk [Sequel to New Horizon]Where stories live. Discover now