Chapter 9 For the moment

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When Mikay woke in the morning, she had no idea where she was. Little by little, the events of the previous day played out.

She remembered everything, from the scandalous morning in Hong Kong to the flight to the Kingdom of Yangdon, and later, the kiss on the terrace yesterday evening.

She had never been kissed like that before. The thought that it could happen again left her nervous.

Of course, Prince Jao wanted nothing but a passing sexual affair, an amusing intermission to pass the time.

Maybe that was why he had asked her here?

Surely, she was mature enough to indulge in an affair without getting hurt. It was time she got experience of life and love.

An hour later, she was downstairs, dressed in a long white cotton skirt, small pink blouse and matching flat shoes.

"Good morning," said Mikay. 

"I hope you slept well," the Prince said when she joined him at the breakfast table.

Mikay smiled, noted how attractive he looked, dressed in jeans and a white polo shirt.

"Thank you."

"I have taken the liberty of asking my doctor to come after breakfast and check you over."

"That's very kind. But I feel fine. I'm sure I don't need medical assistance."

"Maybe. But indulge me and see Dasho Dr. Tobgyel Wangchhuk. He is the Royal Physician. That way we'll both be assured that you are all right and we can forget that whole incident, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed with a reluctant smile.

"As soon as you're finished with him, I would take you around Yangdon. We can have our lunch in one of the restaurants in town."

"Thank you, Jao. That would be wonderful."

Mikay realized that she had not felt so good in a long time. Jao seemed interested in her, and her life.

She was able to forget that he was a prince. That his reality was so different from hers.


Mikay loved the country immediately. There was a gentle sense of peace in this place.

With time to explore Yangdon, the landlocked Kingdom bordered with China and India, she could see that all its charm had been preserved.

As Jao had promised, the town also housed some lovely shops. It has exclusive designer brands and jewelry and also old-fashioned boutiques.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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