Chapter 6 Behind closed doors

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Prince Jao saw the headlines at breakfast. Read them, horrified. 

Was it possible?

He read the details, and then stared, eyes narrowed at the picture of Mikaela. One hand in mid-air, a bottle of medicines in the other, her face a mask of terrified horror.

He experienced a rush of anger. At Mikaela for indulging in this shameful habit. At those around her who hadn't given her a break and had probably driven her to it. At the photographers who had pursued her night and day. Giving her no privacy. 

It was scandalous.

Jao rose and paced his suite, restless. He knew he must do something for the girl. He must help her if he could.

Who knew what kind of a time her agent and the others were giving her?

Not that it was an excuse for her behavior. But still.....

Picking up his mobile phone, he dialed his assistant and told him to find out the number of Mikaela's room. Minutes later the man called back to tell him she wasn't taking any calls.

He wasn't surprised. 


Minutes later, as he entered the lobby, he got a good idea why. The place was full with reporters, predators eager with curiosity, keen to get a glimpse of their prey.

Jao watched them, disgusted. He was sure Mikaela was hiding up in her room.

Suddenly he took a decision. 

Heading up the stairs, he went to Mikaela's suite and knocked. A heavily built young man in grey suits answered.

"Tell Miss Dela Cruz, His Majesty Prince Jao of Yangdon wants to speak to her," he announced proudly.

"She can't see you right now," the bodyguard said.

"She will. Tell her I'm here to help her out."

"Okay. Wait here, Sir."

Jao stepped inside. He could hear raised voices beyond the closed door. His determination to remove her from this place and these people's company increased tenfold.

The door opened and Ma'am Bev appeared.

"Hi," she said. "What can I do for you?"

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