Chapter 5 Talk of the town

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As they filled out the theatre where the award ceremony was taking place, Mikay caught sight of Jao in the distance. Across the crowd, their eyes met and he smiled. 

For a moment she wished she could go to him, spend the rest of the evening in some quiet spot chatting. All at once, she remembered him mentioning that he liked to cook. A vision of him frying fish in the kitchen of his own castle surfaced and made her want to laugh.

However, as she smiled back at him a flash went off in her face, reminding her of exactly where she was.

Jao had seen her movie earlier that day with English subtitles and had come out impressed. There was a deeply emotional side to her that became apparent in her performance, and that had gripped him, stirred something deep within.

He glanced at his watch. The party would go on for a while. He was planning to leave tomorrow and return to Yangdon, but something made him hesitate.

Maybe he would wait and see if an opportunity to lunch with Mikaela presented itself. He would really like to see her again before he departed.


Mikaela Dela Cruz for the movie Pagpag. 

Her name was nominated for the best actress category. Although she did not win, Mikay was already overwhelmed. 

She had made it. Everyone was clapping and encouraging her when the announcer mentioned her name. This was recognition of her acting skills. Just her work. For that, she was grateful.

Tonight she had left her medicines behind in the bathroom. She had not slipped one into her pocket as she normally did.

She knew that if she was going to make it through the rest of the evening she simply had to disappear upstairs and take another medicine. She seemed to have increased the amount over the last few days. 

But that was okay. It was just for now. 

When she got home, she would stop taking them completely. 

She glanced about her. She had to go, even if that meant displeasing Ma'am Bev and the others.


Slipping away unseen, she dashed to the lift and rode it up to her floor. Then she hastened down the corridor and swiped the key card of her suite. 

To her amazement, the bedroom door was open. 

Had one of the hotel staff been in her room?

She shrugged, threw her evening purse on the bed and headed for the bathroom. Where she had left the medicine in a little brown pharmaceutical bottle. 

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