Meeting InTheLittleFrost

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I woke up on the couch my head hurt badly. I got up and scratched my head and noticed I Was standing in my boxers. "The hell..." I say too myself very confused. I made sure I was still wearing my mask and I was, Along with my cape for some reason. I heard voices from the kitchen. I walked in too find Zoey and Melissa talking to each other and once I walked it both just stared at me. "What happened last night?" I asked them both. They just both burst out laughing. I look at then confused. {The last think I remembered was going too see Ravs at his bar.... Wait. Ravs at his Bar... Must have gotten drunk} Rythian says too himself. He looks at the two laughing now slightly frightened. He gets some coffee and then asked. "seriously, What happened last nigh."

"Well. We could tell you. Or show you." My eyes widen slightly. Zoey walks over too the TV and plays a recording from her camera. I stated at the Tv embarrassed by what I had just saw. I drop my coffee and My cheeks turns bright red luckily, None of them could see under my mask. I immediately got up and walked up states without saying a word, leaving melissa and Zoey laughing while they watched. I got dressed appropriately and walked back down stares not speaking too anyone.


Me and Melissa sat thee for about an extra five minutes after the video ended just laughing. I saw Rythian walk back down fully dressed and head down too the magic room. I had a giggle fit and Melissa had calms down and gotten up.


I had finally calmed down from the video of last night and I got up and looked at Zoey. "Can I walk around the woods?" She sits up and grins at me

"Sure! Why not! I can't really tell you what too do anyways..." she giggles and falls back onto the couch. I smile and grab my bag and walk out side. It has snowed during in the night. It wasn't very deep though. I started too make my way into the woods. The snow made everything a lot prettier. I continue walking when in hit in the back of the head with a snowball. I quickly turn around and no ones there. "Hello...?" I call out still looking around brushing the snow off the back of my head. I shrug it off and continue walking. A minute later I'm hit again and I turn around too nothing. I take out my sword and hold it defensively and I turn back around. I use the reflection too see what's in back of me. I continue walking. A few seconds later I see a boy pop Out from a bush and throw another snowball at me. Now that I see it coming I easily duck and start too walk over near the boy. He's just laying there laughing. I make a snowball and throw it at him as he's getting back up. It hits him straight in the face sending him back too the ground. He then quickly Returns fire and I also. A two person snowball fight breaks out. Both sides throwing snowballs rapidly. Both of us covered in snow by the end. The boy walks out from the bush. He looks about 15, had brown hair and a grey hoddie on with jeans, He grins.

"Well that was fun." I can't help but smile. "I'm Toby by the way." he holds out his hand.

"Yeah it was. Im Melissa." I shake his hand. We both seem too be freezing.

"Me and my friend got a camp set up around here, wanna get warmed up?" he asked me.

"Sure. Why not." I say as he takes my hand and leads me too a small camp site. There two green tents and a camp fire in the middle.

"Martyn! We have a guest!" Toby yells out and I look around slightly confused. A few moments later a boy slightly older around 16 hops out of a tree. His skin is ice blue, with blond hair that had slight blue highlights. He's wearing A green shirt with a swirl on it, and cargo pants. He's The boy from my dream...

"Hello! Welcome too InTheLittleCorp!" He announces cheerfully. Toby's been staring at Martyn and he finally notices. "What?" he looks down at himself and notices his ice blue skin. "Not again..." He mumbles looking at himself, And toby shakes his head.

"This always happens during the winter." Martyn puts a smile back on his face.

"Oh well!" Martyn looks at me and smiles. "My names InTheLittleWood.. Or Now, InTheLittleFrost. Also known as Martyn. But please call me Martyn." Martyn grins at me and I Smile back a little uneasy.

"My names Melissa."

"Well its nice too meet you Melissa. Wish I could stay and chat more but I must return too the trees." he turns running off into the woods. That last part he said confused me.

"He was...Different." I say turning back too Toby.

"Don't worry he's normally not blue. And he is really nice." Toby says reassuringly.

"Okay, different is a good thing though." I say trying to be more positive.

//Okay... So.. Shortish chapter and I really didn't get to edit it much... Sorry... I wanted to update this though cause, it's been a while! I'll go back and fix the errors. Comments are always welcomed!

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