The escape

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I woke up back in my room. My head hurt from this morning. I felt my head had and noticed a small wrap on it too stop what looked like blood. I got up and immediately became dizzy. I walked down stares too find Sips Sjin and Nilsey on the couch. Sjin looked mad, but Sips just looked disappointed. Nilsey sat there looking alittle uneasy. His cuts were bandaged up as well. Sips got up and looked at Nilsey.

"I should go help Nilsey home. I'll see you two in a bit." Sips Helped Nilsey up and the two men left. Sjin crossed his arms and asked.

"What happened." I looked at him and we both just stared at each other for a bit. I looked down and soon later balled my fist.

"Why did you have too send Him?! I mean dont you trust me?!" I kinda yell out. Sjin looked at me a little surprised, like This caught him off guard. We stared for a bit.

"why did you attack Honeydew? He is not aggressive. And Lewis would never hurt a child for no reason."

"You guys just got me so mad! Ugh!" I was starting too get frustrated. Sjin just stared at me.

"You are a little girl. You can't do everything alone. You need help." I snap back.

"I don't need your help! I can take care of myself! I don't need any of you!" I yelled at him and turn around storming off too my



I was hurt. I tried not too show it too Melissa. Once she left I sighed and buried my he's in my hands. {My own daughter, Hates me.. What did I do wrong.}


I sat on my bed sulking. In a small tantrum I ripped off my head wrap and threw it across the room. I banged my fists against my bed and my hands caught fire. I looked at it for a moment. Just staring into the flames. It didn't hurt, it felt weird. I claimed down and the fire died down until it was completely gone. I got up and grabbed my bag. I grabbed my sword and a few sets of cloths. I put a black bandana over my hair and slung my bag over my shoulder. I wrote a quick note saying that I would be back soon, and that I went on my own adventure. I climbed out of my window and jumped onto the lower roof. I slowly climbed down and walked into the woods leaving SjipsCo.


I had helped Nilsey back home not really cause I wanted too, cause I new Sjin would wanna walk too Mel alone. Now I'm making my way back too the compound. I was attacked by a few Skellingtins and Creepers along the way. I finally ran inside the house and slammed the door shut. I was sweating as I leaned against the door. " Those Mother Trucker Creepers..." I mumbled and walked too the living room too find Sjin staring off into Space. "Hello...? Earth too sjin." I waved his hand in front of Sjin and he blinked a few times.

"Hey Sips..." he said kinda depressed. And I frowned slightly and sat next too him.

"What happened?"

"She said she didn't need me Sip..." I frowned and put my arm around Sjin in a semi hug, ya know, cause straight up hugging another guy is gay.

"She's just a kid. She doesn't know what she's saying. She does need you Sjiny." Sjin smiled a little. "He's just mad. Let her cool off in her room and this will all blow over tomorrow." Sjin Nods.

"Yeah. Your probably right."

"You bet I am." I smirked.

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