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I ran through the woods away from Nilsey grinning. I had never felt so alive! I grinned deviously and ran off finding myself in front of a gate. I put my sword away and I quickly climbed over It. "Something smells good..."

I made my way too the source of the smell. I stood in front of a large white building with a dwarf on the front of it. I opened the door and noticed crates filled with Jaffa cakes. I opened the top of the crate and took a hand full of the cookies and begin too eat some. Soon later I heard yelling from behind.

"AH! A CHILD! WHAT ARE YA DOIN'?!" I quickly turned around, a cookie still in my mouth. It was a man, well.. A Dwarf with reddish hair and a long beard, I also noted the golden pants. The cookie dropped from my mouth and hit the floor.

"AH! A DWARF!" I yelled back and snickered lightly afterwards. He ran over and pushed me away from the Jaffa's and stroked the box. I growl and took out my sword. The Dwarf turned around just in time as I swung my sword at his head. He quickly ducked out of the way on impulse. I cut his leg making him drop down to one knee and he cursed loudly. I took my sword and hit his head with the flat side of the blade rendering the dwarf unconscious.

"Honeydew?" I heard another man call out. In a blink of a eye there was a man with a red star trek uniform on with raven hair and a neatly trimmed goatee, coming out from the second floor. "A child?" He said confused and his eyes widen when he saw the dwarf. The space mans eyes immediately flicker over too me. He quickly charged at me and disarmed me easily before I could even register his attack. He kicked me square in the chest quickly sending me backwards. My head hit the wall and back spots dance along my vision before I blacked out.


I run over too Honeydew in a panic. "Honeydew?!... Simon?!" I exclaimed shaking him roughly. His eyes flitter open slightly and I sighs in relief. "Thank notch.. I thought I lost you friend..." Honeydew smiles slightly.

"It takes more then a child with a sword too kill me." I gave a small smile but then remember our unwelcome guest. I turned back around and looked at the girl who was currently knocked out against the wall. "Who is she?" Honeydew asked and I simply shook my head.

"I don't know... But she's not hurting anyone else." I walked over too the girl staring down at her holding my sword.

"Your not gonna kill her, are you..?" Honeydew asked, his voice dropping with concern and fight.

"What?! No! I can't kill a child. Hannah would kill me!" Honeydew sighed in relief and I looked at him. "We should tie her up until we figure out what too do with her." Honeydew nods getting some Rope from storage. I carries her bridal style too a chair taking the rope from Honeydew. I tie her too it, Making sure she's not hurt, but still trapped. "That should do it Honeydew..." We stare at the girl for a moment.

"Well this situation doesn't seem inappropriate..." Simon commented causing me to hit his arm. Suddenly there was a violent pounding on the door and then a familiar voice.


"Xephos?! Honeydew?! Um, you guys here?" I continue too pound on the door nervously a little scared and mad all at the same time. Sjin was standing next too me impatiently taping his foot. Nilsey had told us were she was heading. Me and Sjin prepared for the worst. Well.. Maybe not the worst...Xephos and Honeydew weren't the enemy, but we didn't wanna take any chances. I saw the door slowly open and I barged through the door knocking honeydew down in the process. I quickly scanned the room for Melissa. Sjin immediatly sees his daughter from across the room and walked over towards Xephos in a huff.

"Whoa... What's going on Sjin..." Xephos says rather confused still holding his sword defensively. Sjin's eyes meet Xephos's and Sjin punches him in the Jaw.

"What do you think your doing?!" Sjin yells looking down at Xephos. I See melissa tied too a chair. I drop my mining laser I carried, and ran over to her and feel her pulse. She was alive and her pulse seemed steady. I sigh with slight relief. Xephos holds his probably broken jaw, Trying too discover whats going on.

"What the Blazes is going on here?!" Xephos says mad and confused, while keeping is distance from Sjin. Sjin suddenly yells at him.

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN!" I quickly cut the rope with a strong swipe with her emerald sword I picked off the ground. I pick her up bridal style walking towards the door of the factory.

"She's your daughter?! Wait, You have a daughter?!" Xephos stares at us wide eyed. His jaw still hurt intensely. Honeydew was coming too his senses now and quickly runs over too Xephos too help him. "Look Sips, Sjin, this is all a misunderstanding!" I carefully gave Melissa too Sjin and turn around too Honeydew and Xephos.

"She's the one who bloody attacked me!" Honeydew exclaimed rather pissed off and a little confused.

"You ever hurt her again, your lifes will be on the line." I said in a dark, serious tone. I walk out of the Jaffa factory with Sjin in tow. We makes our way back too the compound. "This is all my fault Sjiny... I'm sorry..I shouldn't have convinced you too let her go..." I frown trying not too look at my young niece.

"No Sips, this is mine... I should have known better.." Sjin and I walked into the compound, Straight too the house. We put her in her room and came back down stairs to Nilsey who was on our couch bleeding. We got out the first aid kit and fixed him up.

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