The Mage

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I was walking through the woods. I had my sword hooked onto my belt so I could access it Easier and quicker. I stop once or twice too gather up some wood. But besides that I would continue too travel into the mountains. It's been about a day so far. I decided too make a camp. I made myself a fire and crafted a bed inside a small dirt house. It was only temporary though. I didn't bother too put out the fire cause I was lazy. I slept rather well. I had a strange dream about a blue boy... A little older than me. Around 16 maybe. He had a blue shirt with a weird swirl on it. Wore a head band...He was controlling the forest around him. Trying too kill something. I woke up before anything interesting happened though. I always do that. Anyway, I woke up the next morning only to find a man with lavender eyes was standing over me. I immediately had a mini heart attack and fell out of bed. "WHAT IN HADES?!" I semi yell, scrambling to get to my feet. Standing at the base of my bed was a boy, but he was around 18. His hair was brown but had a small light brown streak on the front. He wore black clothes, a black cape and a purple mask covering the lower half of his face. An eye of ender was strung up as a necklace. His eyes glowed purple. Yes, purple. Like an enderman... I saw his smirk slightly under his mask, probably at my reaction too him.

"Hello." He says calmly, with a hint of a Swedish ascent staring at me with his lavender eyes. I get to my feet and brush myself off slightly.

"Hey.... Who are you and What do you want." I say locking eyes at him, somewhat because his eyes simply amazed me. He looked at me as if it wasn't obvious who he was, and it kinda was. Even I new the answer too my own question. He was Rythian. The Mage Uncle Sips and Dad talk about. They called him evil, but he never really seemed too put us in danger, so I never really believed it.

"I am Rythian. I just saw the fire and wandered over." He kept his voice calm and smooth while he gestured too the fire behind him.

"Oh. Your the Mage.." I mumble slightly and he raises an eye brow.

"So, you have heard of me?" He asked clearly amused.

"You've came up in a few of my Fathers conversations..." I say calmly and I sit on my bed. Rythian continues too stand.

"And who might he be?" Rythian asked.

"His names Sjin. I believe you too are Rivals." Once I say my father name his eyes widen and in one quick motion he takes out his red Katar from his belt. He points the red sword at me as if he's expecting me too engage him in an epic battle or something. I calmly placed my hand on the flat side of the blade and move the sword out of my face slowly looking up at him. "Now is that really necessary?" I ask trying to stay calm. He lowers his sword slightly but still keeping it out. I suddenly hear another voice from outside.

"Rythian! Were are you?" A girl calls out. Rythian rolls his eyes but refuses to take them off me.

"Right here Zoey." He replies too the girl who I'm guessing is Zoey. She poke her head into the room and grins at me and waves.

"Hello!" she said cheerfully. She looked around 17, She has long red hair tied up in a messy pony hair and wore sunglasses. She wore green and orange clothing and appeared very hyper, unlike Rythian. I wave back but Rythian glared at me.

"It's a little crowded in here..." I say and Rythian nodded.

"Dont try anything." He says as him and Zoey walked out of my small 4 by 4 shack. I got my bag and slung it over my shoulder and put on my brown combats boots. I put on my black leather coat since it was almost winter an it was getting colder by the day. I walked out and zoey was playing with some mushrooms while Rythian stood as still as expressionless as a London guard. I guess he didn't like the idea that Sjin was my father but hey, whatcha gonna do. I shut the door of my make shift dirt house and Rythian immediately looked at me. Zoey glanced up from her mushrooms with a bright smile. She seemed too be talking too them.

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