Mahogany Doors

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Melissa woke up in her bed with a yawn and looked at herself in her mirror across the room. Her messy brown chestnut hair had gold highlights with the light shining through the window. She rubbed her eyes thinking too herself. 'Today is the day. I am going to ask them.'

The young girl lazily got up off her bed and stretched slightly getting dressed. She put on her blue jeans and a black shirt with her brown combat boots. Melissa brushed her hair leaving it in its usual long wavy fashion. She then looked at herself in the mirror and nodded.


I run down the Mahogany stairs and straight to the kitchen. I saw my uncle Sips, a slim man with a gray complexion. He had on his usual jeans with a blue plaid shirt. Raven hair laid a mess on his head with a stubbed beard. Now, he wasn't my blood uncle, I don't have one of those. He is more of a honorary Uncle. Then my father Sjin, he looked like an easygoing guy, with chestnut hair, and a neatly trimmed handle bar mustache. He wore overalls and jeans like a farmer. They were both drinking there morning coffee. "Morning Dad, uncle Sips." I exclaimed and Sjin looked up at me.

"Good morning!" My dad said and Sips looked up at me.

"Morning angel." Sips said knowing I do not enjoy the nickname 'Angel'. I ignore the comment and roll my eyes playfully.

"Sleep well?" Sjin asked looking at me with a grin. They both seem to be in good mood. I nodded and my stomach growled in hunger.

"Can I have breakfast?" I sat down at the table, pushing my hair away from my face and Sips got up to get me plate of eggs and bacon.

"So dad, where's mum at?" I asked him as I glanced around the room.

"She had to go to work at the Captive Creeper Meli. It's just you, me, and Sips today." He said with a smile.

"Here ya go." Sips walked back over and handed me the plate of eggs with toast. Sips sat back down next to Sjin, who started to talk about mahogany wood, which was not anything new.  Sips sat there nodding as Sjin mindlessly talked about it.  I coughed lightly and continued eating.  Sjin looks over to me.

"Melissa stop stuffing your face with food, you need too breath!" Sjin joked and laughed lightly and Sips snickered.

"Ya know, I think we're a bad example on the little girl Sjiny." He chuckled at his own comment.  I finished my food and looked up.

"I'm not little!  I am fourTEEN! A teenager!" I get up, put away my plate, and turn back to the two adults. "And what the Nethers Mahogany?!"

"It's fancy wood honey.  You wouldn't understand." Sips said rolling his eyes with a smirk.  Sjin gasped at Sips over dramatically.

"It's more than wood sipsy! it's... Life... It's... Mahogany Doors..." Sjin stated completely seriously while Sips trying his hardest to keep a straight face.

"Whatever Sjin." Sips said rolling his eyes once more.

"Oh! I wanted to show you a Mahogany catalog! I'll be right back!" Sjin took off excitedly to the stairs.

"So.. Uncle Sips..." I smiled at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Can I please explore outside the compound?" He rubbed his stubble in thought and nodded.

"Why not Meli, but I'm not your pops. Go ask your father." I nodded and Sjin comes back down scratching his head.

"Sips... Where is it?" Sjin asked at Sips.

"Where's what?..." Sips countered and took a sip of his coffee.

"Where's.  My.  Catalog."  He continues to stare.  I begin to feel a little awkward just standing there.

"What?  Your Mahogany Catalog?  Haven't seen it." Sips was lying. Do not get me wrong, Sips is a very good liar, but when you get to know him, you just know these things, and apparently Sjin noticed too.

"It's just a catalog...." I stated, noticing we are terribly off topic and I quickly add in before anyone could say anything.  "Dad can I please explore outside of the compound?"  This caught Sjin off guard. He looked at me.

"What?!  Let my baby leave me?!  No."

"Aw come on Sjin."  Sjin frowned at Sips.

"Fine... But, you gotta tell me where the catalog is!"  Sjin turned to face me and Sips is mouthing out things like 'No' and 'don't'.

"It's in his shirt."  Sips glared at me.  Sjin stared at Sips for what seemed to be forever.  Out of nowhere Sjin pretty much tackled Sips onto the ground, trying to wrestle the Catalog out of his grip.  Sips eyes widen at the madness and kept the catalog hidden in his shirt.

"Sips! Give it!"  Sjin demanded from on top of him.

"You have a problem Sjin!  It was funny at first but now!"  Sjin was still trying desperately to get it.  I watched for a good five minutes and then slowly walked to the door, taking Sip's Emerald Sword that was leaning against the wall; I quickly put it in my bag. 

I ran out and slammed the door shouting,  "See ya later ShitLords!!"  I ran past Nilesy, a Scottish man with long black hair and glasses.  He was our pool boy.  I pushed him out of my way causing him to plummet into the pool. Sjin got off Sips and ran out the door.


"BE HOME BEFORE DARK!"  I ran my hand through my hair and watched as she ran out of sight.  Sips soon walked out as well.  "That son of a gun..."  I quickly turned too Nilesy who was standing next to the pool drenched, and attempting too dry himself off.  "Go follow her!" Nilesy quickly looked at me.

"Wait what?"  Nilesy replied in his Scottish accent very confused on what was going on.  I was practically pushing him forward.

"Go follow Melissa! Make sure she's safe!" Nilesy continued too just look at me.

"I think the girl can handle herself."  I was getting a little frustrated at this point and the pool boy noticed.  "And needs an adult to help" Nilesy quickly ran into the woods tripping over his pants slightly.


I ran through the woods until I figured I was far enough out.  I stopped running and I took a deep breath and looked around, listening to the birds and the animals.  It was so peaceful away from all the machines.  I sling my bag over my shoulder when something catches my eye.  I turned around, and noticed something dart behind a tree.  I continued on walking but I keep my guard up.


I ran after the small girl, getting branches whacked at my face, walking into spider weds, and dodging Creepers, although she seemed too have no problem of course.  Beginners luck... She stopped and I almost fell over trying not to give away my position.  She turned and looked around.  I quickly hide behind a tree.  Melissa kept on walking, I let her put some space between us and continued following.  I looked back around at the tree and she is no longer there.  "What the Nether..." I said quietly too myself, and suddenly something fell on me from above knocking me to the ground.  It was the young girl, Melissa. She tackled me and wrestled me into a strong pin for such a little girl. I struggled to get out of it. She seemed mad, and I mean furious, she must get it from Minty...  Her eyes flickered red, which caught my attention for a brief moment, but she then pulled out an emerald sword and held it to my neck.  I gulped as my eyes widened.

"N-now, M-melissa. Don't do a-anything you'll regret!"  My voice got high at the last part.  She took the sword and cut my cheek.  She quickly got up and cut my knee forcefully.  I yelled out in pain and held my leg.  Blood flowed freely from the newly made wound.  I watched her run off until I can no longer see her.  I get up slowly and limped back too SipsCo mumbling in Scottish.

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