Chapter 9

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Micah tried to pull Tash gently away but she only leaned down next to the child.

"Come on" Tash pleaded "We're going to help you. Get you away from here"

The child blinked at her with empty eyes.

"We'll take care of you. You don't have to stay here" Tash kept trying even though she knew it was no good.

"I have to stay here" The little girl spoke in a monotone "I belong to them"

"No" Tash said, shaking her head "No, you don't. What's your name?"

"562" The girl's words slurred ever so slightly

"No" Tash insisted "Your name. Who are you, not who they made you be."

"I am number 562" The girl replied, her expression unchanging "I work for the people here"

"No. No." Tash repeated. Tash was shaking and she tried to stop the tremors. "You don't have to. There's still hope." Tash spoke the words, unsure if she believed them herself.

"I am number 562." The girl repeated "I work for the people here"

Try as Tash might, she could not stop her hand from shaking as she touched the girls shoulder. "Please" she whispered. The girl gave no response. Tash could feel the tears building up in her eyes.

"Tash. Tash. We have to go" Micah's voice was surprising gentle as he spoke to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"No." Tash shook her head, her tears disappearing "We can help her"

"She's already gone, Tash" Micah said, a little more forcefully "There's nothing we can do"

"Fine" Tash snapped jumping to her feet. She flinched away from Micah's hand and walked toward the door. She stood facing away from Micah, trying to fight the tears that threatened to overpower her "Let's just go then"

"Tash, I'm sorry but you know we can't help her. We're wasting time here" Micah said, walking up to her.

"I know, Micah" Tash snarled "You're right. You got what you wanted. Let's go. What do you care" She whirled away and tried to storm out of the room.

Micah grabbed her by the arm and spun her around "What's your problem?" Micah snapped "I'm sorry you can't help her. Deny it as you might, I do care. But it's just one child Tash. You can't save them all and that's not my fault."

"That child was me!" Tash snarled, her eyes flashing "I was one of these kids! What if someone didn't save me?!"

Tash could feel hot tears welling up and beginning to run down her cheeks. She ripped herself away from Micah, hoping to hide her damp cheeks. From the surprised concern that flashed into his eyes she knew she wasn't successful.

Micah opened his mouth to speak but Tash silenced him with a wave of her hand.

"These people, the things they do..." Tash's voice was sharp and coated in ice "They have to break every inch of who you are. They cut your flesh and break your bones but worse they tear apart your mind, your thoughts, until everything, every bit of what you once were, is broken, gone. And you're left... with that." Tash gestured to the child "I got to watch that happen, to people I knew. It doesn't happen quickly"

"Tash" Micah tried to speak again "I-"

"Careful now, Micah" Tash snapped "That almost looks like pity in your eyes." She laughed cruelly "You could never know how this feels. Look at you. You look like a thief, but you're not one of us. You play the part, I could almost believe it, but it's not real. You'll never really know, never really understand"

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