Chapter 6

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Tash sat at a table in the thieves' hideaway, the underground air cool against her skin. She fidgeted with the gloves on her hands as she waited. They should be here soon. Her thieves had paid them close attention so she already knew the twins had decided to come but what if they had changed their minds or decided at the last second to take off? Tash sighed in frustration. Depending on some pampered twins was not the ideal situation. Technically she could simply remove their pieces from them but for now that was plan B. Their knowledge of the government and high society could come in handy. It was better that they cooperated but it wasn't a necessity. Tash would do this either way.

Tash began absentmindedly playing with a coin that someone had left on the table. She rolled in over through her fingers and spun it on the table. It turned quickly, becoming nothing but a blur before slowing and clattering down and lying flat. Tash reached over to spin it again but a hand shot out a grabbed it.

"Stop fidgeting!" Zatch said, flipping the coin into the air and catching it again "They'll be here soon."

Tash sighed in irritation as Zatch sat down across from her. "They'd better be."

"Everything will be fine" Zatch laughed "We're just a bunch of thieves counting on an inventor and two pompous rich rids to help us fight off a monster and overthrow the government. What could go wrong?"

Tash smiled and snickered. "Oh Zatch, what have we got ourselves in this time" Tash leaned her head back and sighed.

"We?" Zatch replied with a laugh "This one is all you. Your idea. Not mine."

Tash put her head in her hands and groaned.

"Relax, Tash." Zatch said, smiling "Everything will work out. What we're doing, no one, let alone a bunch of thieves, has ever done. We're making things happen. We always said we were the best, now is the time to prove it. I'm sure everyone will work hard and put their differences aside and get along. We're more than capable of handling anything thrown at us. And besides we have such a good team assembled."

"I sense a little sarcasm there." Tash said, looking up and smirking.

"Not at all." Zatch reassured with a wink. "Seriously though, we've got this."

Tash sighed and smiled. She wished she could have Zatch's optimism. This whole plan was crazy and Tash wasn't quite sure why she going through with it. The 'monster' and the murders were horrible but why wasn't her job to stop them? There was just something about all of it, the government plans, the clockwork pieces, the fortune-teller, she just felt like she had do something. Like she was meant to do something. Or maybe it was just because she liked a challenge and it felt far too good to give the officials what they deserved. Either way it was time to shake things up. If she ignored how stupid this whole thing was she could feel the excitement building up. It was time to set this city free.

Tash heard footsteps echoing down one of the tunnels and looked up to see one of the thieves approaching. Behind him was Micah and Isabelle. The thief directed them over to Tash before disappearing back down the tunnel. The twins approached her table and Tash and Zatch stood up to greet them.

"Welcome back" Tash said with a smile "I knew you'd be coming."

Micah nodded in greeting. "We didn't really have much of a choice."

"Of course you did." Tash laughed "and you choose the right one."

"We're doing this because the Rapier shouldn't exist." Isabelle spoke with determination "It's not right. But I'm not betraying my family. If you even come close to harming-"

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