Chapter 13

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"The bartender said that a lot of sightings have occurred in this area" Said Tash, gazing out over the street. She stood on the roof of the building, the night sky stretching out above her.

"That one merchant said there was a lot of sightings by the docks as well and the tailor said he saw it near the western edge of the underground" Micah said, struggling to keep his footing on the slippery roof.

"That tailor was very drunk though" Tash replied "So I doubt we can trust what we said"

"Regardless, there seems to be sightings everywhere in the underground" Micah said with a sigh

"I know" Tash said, turning to look at him "But how many of those sightings are real? Let's just roam the streets and hope we can catch a glimpse of something interesting."

Tash and Micah continued to silently creep along the roofs, moving from one building to another. All the while they watched the shadows for any sign of movement and listened for any kind of beastly howls in the air.

"So, what do we do when we find it?" Micah asked quietly.

Tash paused for a moment. "I don't know" she sighed "That depends. If we can kill it, we kill it. If not... we just take notes. I just want to see it up close. I want to know what we're dealing with"

Tash took a deep breath and let the cold night air fill her lungs. It was all quiet, even the revelers at the pubs appeared to be rather subdued tonight. It was an uneventful evening. While that was good, it didn't help Tash find her monster.


"So, we just wait?" Micah asked, a little impatient.

A few hours had passed and there was little sign of anything. The moon was high in the sky now.

"Yes" Tash snapped "Have patience."

Micah sighed and walked beside Tash as they continued along the rooftops.

"You come up here a lot?" Micah asked, placing each step carefully.

Tash nodded her head and smiled slightly.

"All the time" she glanced out over the city "I find it peaceful. It helps me think"

"Walking on slippery roofs helps you think?" Micah asked, raising an eyebrow and stumbling.

Tash laughed quietly "Its not unusual to see people prowling the upper levels in the underground" Tash explained "Regular rules don't apply. But it's not the roof themselves that attracts me" She looked straight up at the large black expanse that was the sky "It's this. The sky and the moon and the stars and the breeze and the silence. It's the freedom and peace of it all."

Tash watched as Micah looked around and nodded his head in fake understanding.

"Come on" Tash laughed "Don't you think it's beautiful?"

Micah chuckled "Alright. It is beautiful."

Tash looked at him skeptically

"I mean it!" he repeated "It's nice out here. I'm just not used to moonlit rooftop walks. Though, I could get used to them, with the right company." He winked.

Tash smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'd chose this over any fancy party or political dinner any day. You can keep your pretty houses, I'd rather be out here"

Micah laughed "To be honest so would I"

"Then, why don't you?" Tash asked, turning to face him.

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