Chapter One: Choice

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Chapter One: Choice

Year 3XXX

Centuries ago humanity faced an epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire existence of their species. In the brink of desperation scientist, researchers, and doctors worked together to find the solution.

What was the problem?

Mass death.

Like a black cloak shawling over the world, humanity's numbers decreased as the days were numbered. No type of medicine could cure it. It, being nothing but a mere fever. They couldn't understand why... Just why were the existing medicines unable to cure.

The purebred humans grew scarcer and scarcer until very few are left, in their place arose a new species of human and animal mix.

They were called hybrids.

Humanoid gene carriers borne from humanity's desperation. The first few were spliced and an accident. They're existence were illegalized in the first few years but later, for the sake of humanity's salvation and the will of the people to continue on forward the people considered them human.

The immune system of the human body pales in comparison with an animal immune system, which is why humanity has taken its shot with the hybrid program. Although not many species were built for breeding, and varying upon the type of genes they carry, hybrids are also classified in many different branches.

With the hybrid program becoming a norm for the society, many more norms are made and legalized.


Year 33XX

Shiganshina was a town full of life and prosperously so, its inhabitants knew nothing but happiness and easy life, fair workloads, cosy homes and laughing children.

The beautiful flakes of white never ceased to awe the eyes of children and even adults. White, small and delicately falling from the sky and bathing the world in a veil of white. Each snowflake that fell and rained to the ground were unique, not a pair alike. It was almost a shame that they were fated to be trampled upon.

A real shame..

"—What a shame, I was hoping that they'd take after a dog breed look, like me.." Erwin Smith pressed a large careful hand to pet his new sons' and daughter's hair. A beautiful daughter and two sons, it was joyful sight. Their ears still small and folded on their skulls, it took shape as a cat's as well as their tails. "It doesn't matter though," Erwin sent the surrogate mother a wide toothy smile. "As long as they're healthy and well, right Mr. Yeager?"

"Yes.. I was a bit worried since they were born at such a cold evening but they appear to be strong and well." The young cat-hybrid smiled. He looked down at the three kittens. "D-do you have names for them already? I'd like to know them at least." Before they left him forever.

Erwin nodded. "When you called me a week ago that it was a girl and two boys we already had the names ready. The girl will be Annie, the two boys will be Armin and Mike."

What precious names.

"It suits them," He smiled and caressed Annie's cheek. "Grow healthy, okay? All of you."

Fondly, Erwin let the young brunet play with the little ones before clearing his throat. "It's about time, we must be going now. Thank you for everything," Erwin stood, picking up the little baby basket the three fit into. "And about the money, it should all be settled into your bank account." When he was assured the blankets covering the babies were enough to keep them warm, Erwin took his leave and exited the small café they met at.

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