Chapter 4

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Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven’t undated this story in FOREVER! Ok I don’t own The Outsiders S.E. Hinton does, I’m just a fan.

Lollypop pov

                The guys slowly left one by one as the night became darker, I thanked Darry as he handed me a pillow and blanket for me to sleep with on the couch. The guys went to bed and told Ponyboy and I not to stay up to late.

                “I better get to bed” he whispered as he looked at the clock that said 12:00 am, we didn’t have school tomorrow because we had a week off for fall break, but we still had to sleep sometime. He leaned in and kissed me, his lips leaving a warm and tingling heat as he pulled back we couldn’t help the smiles make their way to our faces.

                “Goodnight” I whispered and he disappeared through the kitchen and down the hall, I let out a sigh and laid down on the couch and pulled the fuzzy blanket up to my chin and fell asleep. A sharp loud ringing noise woke me up as I lifted my head I seen Soda and Darry putting on their shoes. “Where are you going?” I asked, Darry looked up and pulled the blanket over my shoulder from where it must have slipped down.

                “Go back to sleep” he whispered, “Dally got in trouble again and we have to go get him” I nodded and laid my head back down, I liked Darry…he was like the Dad I’ve always wanted. I thought as I drifted back into sleep.

                I was suddenly in the middle of the street; three blue cars pulled up and surrounded me I staggered back as the familiar face of a Soc stepped out of his car.

                “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” he said with a sly smile and pulled out a knife, I froze in place as her circled me and scrapped the blade against my skin, but never pressed down to draw blood.”Lollypop Masen…how are you brothers?” he asked and then let out an evil laugh, I swallowed and stood there waiting to see what would happen. He threw the knife to the car he was just in and then pulled out a gun and pressed it to my stomach. He leaned in and placed his lips over my ear, his breath tickled and also made me shiver with fear. “Will you still live once your heart has stopped beating?” he whispered and then kissed my cheek. I heard the gun click back and ready to fire as his finger slowly slipped to the trigger…..

                I said up covered in a thin layer of cold sweat and gasping as my hand slid down to my stomach, I let out a shaky breath and pushed my hair out of my face. I threw the covers over and stood up while walking to Ponyboy’s room, when I entered he was asleep on his back, the covers pushed down so you could see the top of his jeans but he was wearing no shirt. I walked over as my legs shook, my hair was down and my leather jacket sat on the floor in the living room next to my shoes and back pack.

                I shook Ponyboy and he let out a groan and rolled over, I bit my lip and shook him again trying to wake him.

                “Lolly?” he whispered, sleep still cover his voice. “What’s wrong?”

                “I had a bad dream” I whispered back as a small blush covered my face at this, he let out a sigh and looked at the clock.

                “Where’s Soda?” he asked.

                “Darry and him went to get Dally he got in trouble…again” he nodded and pushed back the blanket and motioned for me to lay down. I slipped in bed next to him as he covered us with the blanket; I cuddled closer to his side and shared his body heat as he draped his arm across my waist.

                “I love you” he whispered and softly kissed my forehead, I smiled and mumbled back an ‘I love you to’ his arm tightened in a protective way and we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms………

Darry pov

                I rolled my eyes as we walked back to our house, Soda and I went to bail out Dally again for getting in another fight, and I guess he was freaked out that we wouldn’t come because he called the rest of the gang as well. So here we are at two in the morning us Greasers walking back to my house as we joked around. When we entered the house it was really quiet and peaceful, Two-bit make a joke that had everyone cracking up but we quieted down. I glanced at the couch and seen that Lolly was nowhere to be found.

                “Where’s Lolly?” I whispered as everyone looked around the room and in the kitchen, Soda walked back from Pony’s room while shaking his head and a smile on his face. He gestured for us to follow him we walked down to Ponyboy’s room and opened the door. I smiled as I seen Lolly and Pony were asleep on his bed; his arms were wrapped protectively around her as she curled closer to him.

Maybe my little brother will get a shot at a real life…even if we are greasers.

Well I hope you guys liked that chapter, it was kind of touching (tear) fan if you aren’t on yet, vote, add to library, and COMMENT!!!!!! Thanks for reading, bye guys!!!!

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