Chapter 16

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'Royal Baby Buzz Building Outside Kate and Jackie's Maternity Wing'

'There's no royal baby news just yet, but as the world's media gather on the steps of St. Mary's Hospital in London, final preparations are underway on the scene.'

'Friday morning, a "Specialist Search Team" from the Metropolitan Police was seen scouring the area around the private Lindo Wing, where the Duchesses of Cambridge and Windsor are due to give birth to heirs to the throne any day now.'

'In recent days, a hospital security guard has taken up permanent residence on the steps of the main entrance to the Lindo Wing – here the Dukes and Duchesses of Cambridge and Windsor are expected to pose with their newborn babies soon after the births – with other guards patrolling the area.'

'Publicity stunts help add to the festive atmosphere, such as the arrival of three men dressed as giant babies wearing onesies and prosthetic masks on behalf of a bookmaking firm. Giant signs have been posted where reporters and camera crews are placing bets on names: leading female names are Alexandra, Mary, Charlotte, and Diana, while George, Phillip, Charles, and David are favored for a little boy.'

'"Everyone wants Kate and Jackie to have the babies on the same day," says a reporter from Parenting Magazine. "We don't think the odds are good, because everyone thinks Jackie's due a few weeks after Kate, but the Palace hasn't confirmed or denied anything. It's all a guessing game."'

'"It's crazy," says one hospital employee who witnessed the media arrive as early as two weeks ago. "But it's fun coming to work and having a look and seeing everyone getting ready for the births  – they are very popular couples, so it's exciting for everyone!"'

'News crews from nearly every news outlet around the world have descended upon the Lindo Wing, claiming territory behind the metal barricades. Royal security keeps a close eye on the photographers, who have recently been scolded by Princes William and Harry for harassing Kate and Jackie.'

'William and Kate are waiting it out in Apartment 1A in Kensington Palace, while Harry and Jackie are at Nottingham Cottage just outside the Palace. All eyes are on the young royals as the speculated due dates approach. In the mean time, we hope Kate and Jackie are managing to stay cool in this intense summer heat!"


"I'm sorry, Rupert, it's too hot to cuddle," Jackie said, heaving herself up off the couch to escape her dog's furry body.

"Would you mind getting me a glass of water while you're up?" Kate asked hopefully.

Jackie sighed and joked, "I'm not used to getting anything for myself, let alone anyone else."

"Does Harry even chew your food for you?" Kate teased.

Jackie laughed as she practically waddled into the kitchen. "Ha, ha. How about we go out for a walk, it's supposed to help get things going."

Kate groaned. "But it's so hot!"

"You're already two days overdue, don't you want to just get it over with?" Jackie asked.

"I suppose so," Kate sighed. "The doctors told me the baby might even come before my due date, but it's already July 20th and nothing."

"I have a feeling it'll come soon," Jackie said, carrying a glass of water back to Kate before lowering her swollen frame down onto the couch. "I say you'll have the baby in two days. July 22nd."

"Don't say that!" Kate gasped. "That means you think I'll be like this for two more days!"

Jackie and Kate were just about as uncomfortable as can be. They were both very pregnant. Though Kate was two days overdue and Jackie wasn't due for another two weeks on August 1st, her stomach was quite a bit bigger than Kate's. It was hot, they felt swollen and sweaty, and the babies were moving non-stop, making it nearly impossible to sleep.

"Drink up, maybe instead of a walk we could go for a light jog. That ought to shake them out." Jackie looked down at her feet. "I may have to go barefoot, not even my toes will fit into my shoes anymore."

Kate giggled, pressing a hand on top of her extra-large baby bump. "Oh, don't make me laugh, I'll pee."

Jackie picked up her phone from the end table next to the couch. Harry was visiting Headway, a local charity that helped brain-injury survivors relearn basic tasks. She opened the Kensington Palace Instagram to see if the PR staff had posted any updates on Harry's visit.

"Oh, god, look!" Jackie said, handing her phone to Kate.

"Oh, god, look!" Jackie said, handing her phone to Kate

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"He looks like a natural!" Kate laughed.

"I don't think using one hand is the best approach," Jackie commented, studying the picture of her husband with a smile. She figured she would have to teach him how to change a diaper- a skill she had mastered while doing rounds in the neonate ward in nursing school.

"Where's William again?" Jackie asked, her brain feeling a bit foggy- a mixture of the heat and the pregnancy.

"He's settling a few things with the Search and Rescue team for his parental leave," said Kate. "He's taking two weeks off."

"Do you have the nursery all done at Anmer Hall?" Jackie asked.

Kate nodded. "Everything's in order. All the decorations are even up, and as soon as I go into labor we are having someone pick up groceries so we can move in as soon as possible.

Jackie smiled. "It'll be so exciting, won't it? To move in the with the baby?"

Kate beamed. "Yes! I've got tons of onesies and neutral clothes, but it'll be fun to shop for some little boy or little girl clothes once we know."

"Little girl clothes," Jackie said with a wink. "I just know you're going to have a girl!"

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Agree to disagree. I suppose we'll know very soon, hopefully very very soon."

Jackie pushed herself up from the couch once again, attempting to stretch out her back. "Ready for that walk?"

Kate nodded, and Jackie held out a hand to pull her best friend up to her feet. With a grin, Kate joked, "Let's make it a jog."


The royal babies are coming soon!!

A million thanks to MayteTruyens for the wonderful Instagram edit!

Please give any comments or suggestions you have :)

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